Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Infantry Attacks and Attacks
Author rerathbun
Method Solo
Victor Mexico
Play Date 2021-02-03
Language English
Scenario ChIn002

The Mexican Army sets up dug-in along the road, and in the town. The Americans approach on a wide front, and hope the better US artillery will crack the Mexican line. After numerous tries to crack the line, it finally breaks and the Americans move up to the town. They manage to clear the defenders from half the town, but the Mexicans manage to keep the remainder for a Major Victory.

This scenario is much closer than it appears. The Mexicans had the advantage of good die rolls. On the first turn that the Americans lined up opposite them (with two companies per hex to concentrate enough firepower to overcome the dug-in bonus), The Mexicans rolled a '2' on two separate Column 7 attacks, badly disrupting the American line. On the other side, the Americans failed for four turns to even affect the morale of the lone Mexican machine gun holding the center of the line, despite rolling on Column 22. Even with these setbacks, the Americans came within a couple of turns of achieving a minor victory.

This is a good learning scenario, and is perhaps best played solo. There's not much for the Mexican player to do after setup. The Americans have to be aggressive and not be afraid to take casualties, or it will take far too long to achieve their objectives.

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