Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A Slow Retreat
Author Bangla (France)
Victor Germany
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2021-02-11
Language English
Scenario FaoF031

Charged with defending the village of Chambry, and the outlying hamlets, we had to hold out long enough for the 4th Division Cuirassée could withdraw from the area. Where to defend, and how long to try to hold out for? the French ran from the northern village area and crossed the river pronto, in the face of a massive German advance through the centre. Should one or two units have stayed and sacrificed themselves to hold up the enemy advance for a quarter or even half an hour? Probably, but the French crossed the river and made for the hamlets and woods on the south side. Meanwhile other outlying units in the east immediately headed south and west with the main German advance threatening to cut them off from the rest of the units in the area. The Germans steadily advanced, taking one village area after another. There was some stiff resistance that held until the orders came to vacate the area completely (ie the end of the scenario) but French resistance was more like speed bumps to the hun. French reinforcements in the guise of about 20 S35s were too late to have any real effect. certainly, by then, the Germans had sufficient anti-tank cover on the north side of the river to protect much of their front against any sudden push by the French forces "blindées".

A crushing defeat both in terms of casualties and the area given up to the Germans would lead to a severe reprimand for the Commandant when they did pull out of the area.

A decent scenario, but one that's very difficult for the French. Where to make their stand? Too far forward, and they could be bypassed and cut off, waiting to be mopped up at the German's leisure. Pull back too quickly, as I did, and the German can exit the forest in the north well organised and able to choose the timing and place of his various assaults. The French will always be outnumbered. I learnt a lot from just being at the sharp end of Wayne's Teutonic sword. Vive la France!

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