Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
It's the Artillery what won it
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2021-02-06
Language English
Scenario WhEa014

This scenario is a cavalry v cavalry battle on the first day of WWII. German cavalry advance against their Polish counterparts, the Poles have better inherent firepower, better morale and even some tankettes in support, the Germans have ENG, HMG but also have very good OBDA. The German force seep forward and have little difficulty in seizing the bridge on board 3, accurate artillery is forcing the Polish horseman to seek cover in woods and towns, by halfway through the scenario Polish forces have been pushed back to the southern towns which need top be held, up to this point losses had been fairly even but now the Poles have to stand and fight. The next 2 hours of game time are spent in urban fighting as the the Germans slowly clear the towns, Polish losses are slowly mounting while German losses are relativity light in this stage of the battle. German numbers mean that DEM units are pulled out of the assault's in time to recover while the Poles do not have this ability, and when forced out of positions they are bombarded by German Mortars and artillery. By game end some town hexes remain in Polish hands but the majority are cleared and the main North South road is also clear of Polish units. A major German victory. *Not a bad scenario, however a competent German player should be able to muscle his way to a win. *

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