Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Welcome to the Jungle
Author Juiceman
Method Solo
Victor Australia
Play Date 2021-01-03
Language English
Scenario KoCa012

For this scenario the Japanese are outnumbered but have better morale, higher initiative, they can concentrate their forces on a narrow front and there is No Jungle Disorientation for this scenario, hurray!

The Japanese made contact with the Aussie defensive line as they headed down the trail, their follow up forces heading into the jungle to try and take the 60m hill. They found a weak spot in the Aussie line which the Japanese exploited while eliminating or routing several Aussie stacks of infantry until they had overrun most of the objective hill hexes. Their forces along the trail did not fare as well with their assaults on the forces blocking the trail and were repulsed with heavy casualties, this point of contact become a stalemate for the rest of the scenario as the main focus of the battle shifted west to the ridge.

No jungle movement works both ways, while the Japanese were overrunning the Aussie forces on the western hill the Aussies were able to send their uncommitted eastern forces to reinforce their brethren and hopefully redress the situation.

At the midpoint of the scenario it looked like the Japanese would prevail but as previous scenarios have shown do not count either side out just yet.

The fighting for the hill took a heavy toll on the Japanese forces in terms of step losses and demoralized troops, what forces they had left were isolated and not prepared for the avalanche of Aussie forces that descended on them to reclaim the hill.

In the end the Japanese did not accomplish any of their objectives thus the Australians earned a major victory. Day one is over now for Day two.

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