Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Fighting Retreat
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2020-11-25
Language English
Scenario WoaP006

This is classic Eastern front action, a small highly motivated German force has to slow the Russian Hordes to enable their comrades to escape and regroup off map. The Soviet's have tank support, OBDA and lots of leaders, the Germans have better morale, better leadership and better individual fire power. hey also have the weather on their side deep snow slowing the Soviet advance. VC are set German objectives, hold the road, inflict step losses and prevent Soviet forces moving to the west in significant numbers. The Red Army steadily advance along a broad front, pushing the German picket line back, and the early stage of the battle looks good for the Russians, no losses and almost halfway across the maps. Suddenly though German defence stiffens and losses begin to mount coupled with the Soviet command being disrupted by the terrain and weather. The Soviet tank force s pushes too far forward away from Infantry support and get ambushed by brave German troopers who over the course of the next hour first DEM and then destroy the entire Soviet tank forces, this coupled with the normal attrition from German mortar and direct fire push the Soviet losses over the 16 step limit. The Soviets could however still claim a win if they exit 16 steps and clear the east west road, the steps all INF were exited but the road remained in German hands with a German unit dug in every other hex for the last km of game board. The result was a German minor victory. ***A fighting withdrawal is one of the harder things to pull off in PG but this German kampgrupe did just that, the key is to be prepared to give up strong positions and fall back before the enemy get too close. Of course the snow and better morale helps as well. Good solid PG scenario ***

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