Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Such a hard and tense fight for a Draw...
Author tlangston28 (Britain, India)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Draw
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2020-10-14
Language English
Scenario InUn008

Continuing our campaign to finish Indian Unity, Violent Resistance was next on the list and it did not disappoint. The objectives for the Indians to attain a major victory were very steep:

  1. Maintain road control across all three maps
  2. Secure ALL town hexes on the middle map (24)
  3. End the game losing less than 10 steps.

A minor victory would be 2 objectives and a Draw would be attaining at least 1 objective. Knowing how much I LOVE ROAD CONTROL VICTORY CONDITIONS I went into this game shooting for a minor as I was hopeful that the night conditions would allow a good advance before being threatened by the Hyderabad on board Artillery. Indian foot units proceeded straight towards the towns on board 24 with a small contingent, heading into the woods to clear any rebel units there. The Stuarts, meanwhile, headed north to speed around the hills and light woods and approach from the north, where the big guns were blocked by the large town in the center.

Despite some early successful hits by the artillery, spotted by pesky officers in the woods, The Indian troops were able to make it to the large town with about half of the game yet to play. methodical assaults into the town eventually cleared the larger one except for a lone AT gun and RAZ units that were able to stave off Indian assaults until almost the end of the game. Meanwhile, other units went about securing the area, destroying the rebel guns and making a final advance on the single town hex on the south of the Map. Unfortunately, the tenacious fighting of the Hyderabadis were able to inflict the required 10+ step losses so the remainder of the game was focused on gaining control of both towns and preventing kamikaze assaults by the Hyderabads.

The Hyderabads were able to keep several RAZ units close by to continually feed the defense of the single hex and with 2 turns left, the Indian units were able whittle down the rebels to a single RAZ and leader and to maintain a combined arms assault, however, an infantry unit and the Stuart in town were disrupted so obtaining the draw looked very dim. Dim as it was, I did spot an opportunity for the Indian LT COL to take 2 INF from the larger town and jumping on trucks, were able to get into position to relieve the disrupted units in the final assault.

On the final turn, the Indians launched the final desperate assault that did not kill the RAZ unit but caused a demoralization to the RAZ in town. All he needed to do to rally (he was helped by a leader and in a town so his morale went from 7 to 9) was to roll an 8 and unfortunately (or fortunately for the Indians) he rolled a 9, fled and effectively ended the game.

Both Wayne and I agreed that though it was a tough slog for the Indians to gain the victory, the back and forth play along with the night rules (which I am usually not a fan of) made for a very fun and exciting scenario that hinged on the last play of the game. A solid scenario in a book that for the most part, does not disappoint!

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