Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Second Try
Author Daedalus
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2020-07-17
Language English
Scenario PoCr001

This time the Paras wasted no time and went straight for the hill. The units on the North side of the hill went straight at the northern point and the units SE of the hill went straight for the dug-in position on the SE side of the hill. The thought process was the there was insufficient firepower on the hilltop to significantly impact on the assault. WRONG! On the first turn the Paras took one step loss and had two units demoralized. One of these did not recover to good order until turn 6! The other recovered to good order on turn three and couldn't get into the assault until turn 4. The first assault went into the northern Kiwis on turn 2 and it went well. However, on turn 1 the Kiwis south of the hill moved up on turn one and into the northern position on turn 2. This move resulted in an assault combat that lasted until the end of turn seven. By the time it was over, all Kiwis had been killed but the Paras had lost two rifle platoons themselves. It was not looking good for the Paras. And then a small miracle happened. The 81mm mortar was able to fire with significant affect on the Kiwi SW position demoralizing all in the hex. The Paras assaulted on turn eight and mopped up. Meanwhile the battle continued to rage for the SE Kiwi position with neither side gaining an advantage.

On turn 9 the Paras mustered their remaining resources and reinforced their assault into the remaining Kiwi position with another rifle platoon. The HMG platoon spent turn 9 recovering to good order. The reinforced assault had some affect and softened up the Kiwis just enough for the HMG platoon to make an appearance on turn 10 that resulted the liquidation of the last Kiwi position.

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