Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Close but no Cigar
Author Daedalus
Method Solo
Victor New Zealand
Play Date 2020-07-15
Language English
Scenario PoCr001

As the Germans conducted a visual recon of the Obj Hill 107 they decided to maneuver their southern units to the NE in order to provide a more concentrated approach. The initial attack would be on the northern most dug-in position. The hill did not look overly strong defensively and they thought they had plenty of time to secure it. The first 1/2 hour was consumed maneuvering and building up a base of fire to to soften up the initial objective. The Kiwis decided to reinforce their hilltop position with the units positioned south of the hill. On turn three the Paras assaulted the first hex. This assault would take over three turns to resolve. The Kiwis added a rifle platoon and a HMG platoon to the fight. Resistance was stubborn. One German Platoon fled after losing a step. In the end the Paras took the position after about two-one half hours of fighting. The Kiwis lost two rifle platoons and the HMG but, all leaders fled to the next position on the hill. The Kiwis in the dug in position to the Southeast opened up on the Paras and disrupted everyone. This stalled any further advance as the Paras just couldn't reorganize in time to assault the last hex.

Meanwhile, two Paras moved around the west side of the slope to engage the dug in position on the southwest hill top hex. This position must have been held by all the crack shots of the Kiwis for its opportunity fire really put a slam one of the maneuvering Para Plts. It took some time to get all in order for the platoons to assault the hex. They moved in, took the first fires like champs and demoralized all the Kiwis in the hex. And then, all hell broke loose. The Paras felt pretty cocky attacking in the next turn and that is when all hell broke loose. The demoralized Kiwis got off their first fire and demoralized every German unit in the assault hex. It was a very shocking development to say the least and with that all hopes of taking the hill in time vanished

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