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Reasons why I don't do "on line".....
01-26-2024, 10:49 AM,
RE: Reasons why I don't do "on line".....
Those of us who play online, salute you both, and honor your choices and considered opinions.

However, here's a few thoughts regarding GG's list and Tony's comments.

RE:1) Persnickety, Rules Lawyers are just plain NO FUN to play with anytime - AGREED.

RE:2) I am very much of a Luddite, too. However, I learned to play PG much faster, without significant pain, nor inconvenience, and with substantially less effort taking the Vassal training offered by the skilled & thoughtful mentors at PG-HQ. In fact, there are a number of us that are willing to help individuals overcome the relatively few challenges that Vassal actually poses, once one gets used to the platform's quirks. Online, shared play is certainly not every individual's cup of tea, but giving it a whirl is worth the effort, IMHO. The chance to play with others is much more fun, than in SOLO mode, and opens up other learning opportunities. Most wargamers are lifelong learners, so there is nothing to lose by putting a toe in the water, and much to gain that is positive.

RE:3) My age & health condition also present challenges, but they are easily overcome by playing with those that may have similar issues, or are simply gracious & understanding. Online play is relatively quick and easy to schedule in 2-hour blocks at my convenience, now that I am retired. Those that I play have lives as well, so I play at their convenience. It's just not that hard to find convenient times, even if you play people on 3 continents like I do. The camaraderie and companionship that develops with those with similar interests in history, often makes the minor inconveniences of scheduling fall to insignificance.

RE:4) I find SOLO play to be boring and to have a remarkable sameness after playing a few scenarios with typical victory conditions. One may play online and also have a SOLO game going at the same time - both on Vassal - or one scenario on the table, and one online. There are no limits other than one's time and energy. I have 7 online games going at the moment with 7 polite and amiable opponents. It often takes many online sessions to get through a complete scenario - I have one going now that we started last August!

RE:5) It is rare, but sometimes I don't feel like playing PG as well. If an online session is already scheduled, it is a simple matter of contacting your opponent and politely rescheduling the match. 

For what it's worth, I hope that this screed is helpful and provides a little insight into why online, shared play, with a live & clever opponent may be a fun, fulfilling and inevitably interesting way to pass the time.
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RE: Reasons why I don't do "on line"..... - by treadasaurusrex - 01-26-2024, 10:49 AM

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