Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Thy Graveyard Runneth Over
Author Hugmenot (Ecuador)
Method Face to Face
Victor Peru
Participants Matt W (AAR)
Play Date 2012-08-18
Language English
Scenario WotE006

Played ftf against Matt W.

Our sixth and last War of the Equator scenario.

I went into this one expecting a loss as my Ecuadorians would need to control at least one hex on three different boards if they were to have a slim chance at a minor victory. The Peruvians have all the aces in this one: armor, air support, powerful on-board artillery, and a stronger and more mobile force.

I split my forces into 3 groups: one group to hold board 19, one eastern group trying to move to the south boards, and a western group also trying to move to the south boards.

The Peruvian truck drivers would have none of it and quickly moved troops to block my way. With their way blocked, I changed the objective of my eastern group and had them assault the town on board 18. The idea was to use it as a base of operation to threaten the road on board 18. That did not work out as planned as my Ecuadorians were quickly demoralized and reduced to a handful of steps.

I hid the western group in the swamp and had the cavalry move out when I thought they had a small chance of getting of units through. But it was not to be; I won the initiative on turn 13 and my last three good order cavalry units were demoralized while trying to escape.

The game turned into a massacre - step losses were something like 16 to 0 - but I continue to play on with the sole objective of doing something I had not done in our prior 5 encounters: eliminate a Peruvian unit. I made some crazy moves and luck on my side, eliminated a Peruvian unit! A lone Peruvian unit among a large pile of Ecuadorians. With my goal achieved, I conceded.

Peruvian major victory.

I would have rated this scenario a "2" had we played it first in the series but, to my point of view, it's a very fitting conclusion to the series and deserves a "3".

I believe the only chance the Ecuadorians have in this one is screening their cavalry, tying up the Peruvians, and have the cavalry attempt to break out at the right moment. That's a lot to ask of a force not exactly known for its morale.

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