Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Foregone Conclusion
Author Matt W (Peru)
Method Face to Face
Victor Peru
Participants Hugmenot (AAR)
Play Date 2012-08-18
Language English
Scenario WotE006

Played with Hugmenot as the final game of our WotE campaign. Throughout I have been the Peruvian and Daniel has been the Ecuadorian.

This was the final and probably only uninteresting of the scenarios in WotE. I say uninteresting not because they aren't lots of troops (it has the largest counter total in the supplement), and not because it doesn't take up a lot of space (it uses four boards), but because it forces the Ecuadorians to attack and they simply aren't up to it. With the highly mobile force that Peru has it is able to quickly control three boards giving them a ten VP advantage within the first 3 turns. They can then sit back and destroy the Ecuadorians as they come.

Tactically as the Peruvians I used my trucks to establish a mobile reserve which was used to crush the eastern move of the Ecuadorian infantry and my tanks, cavalry and lagging infantry bagged the Ecuadorian cavalry. It bacame apparent that the Peruvians would win handily (step losses were 23-3 a little more than halfway through the game) leading to a 38-8 lead in VPs which could only increase with time as more Ecuadorian troops were caught and slaughtered.

The only chance for the Ecuadorian forces is to hold the final board and send forces down both wings to hide and try to force the Peruvians into a search and destroy process rather than a conventional attack. Unfortunately the Ecuadorian leadership is not necessaily up to such an approach.

Despite a lukewarm finish I found WotE to be an exceptional supplement.

I rate it a "3" due to the massive nature of the scenario and the opportunity to use nearly the entire counter mix. As a side note, I did finally lose an entire platoon. It was cavalry caught by some Ecuadorian infantry. I will be calling for a truce as a result.

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