Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Death Ride for the Honeys
Author Blackcloud6 (Germany)
Victor Germany
Participants treadasaurusrex (AAR)
Play Date 2021-11-22
Language English
Scenario DeRa013

I thought this was an interesting and fun scenario; one that hinged on good maneuver. I had the Germans move across the center of the battlefield with the PZ IIIs and IVs in a crescent formation. I sent eh Pz IIs to the north as bait while the infantry and AT Gun protected the back door. The brits decided to chase down the Pz IIs while sending a tank troop around the German right flank, hoping, I guess, to set up for flank shots. The Pz IIs got gunned down but i hoping for at least a step to escape, but they didn't. So, the main panzer force had to turn north to engage the Honeys to prevent a draw. The infantry was able to close with the Brit tank troop in the rear and kill a platoon of Stuarts in assault. In the center, the Pz IIIs engaged the center troop of the Honeys at long range which set up long range shot from the Pz IVs. The Stuart platoons got killed in the engagement and the German tanks spun east for the win.

The maneuver was fun to play and I though the inclusion of the infantry one AT gun was clever, and useful. I do think though, that this one is tough on the British forces... but all they have to do is kill a step or two of Pz IIs or IVs and then hunt down the Pz IIs.

1 Comment
2021-11-22 17:03

The last sentence should read: "I do think though, that this one is tough on the British forces... but all they have to do is kill a step or two of Pz IIIs or IVs, and then hunt down the weaker Pz IIs."

Hmm, a tall order, indeed, for the unsupported British tanks!

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