Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Bad Day for the 5th Royal Tanks
Author treadasaurusrex (Britain)
Victor Germany
Participants Blackcloud6 (AAR)
Play Date 2021-11-22
Language English
Scenario DeRa013

This scenario was an entertaining fast play-through with my expert-level PG opponent who played the German side. He won the scenario on Turn 11 when he was able to maneuver the vast bulk his armor off the east edge of the map, after having lost only 2 platoons of Pz-II light tanks. As expected, the British Honey tanks were no match for his Pz-III and Pz-IVs, and that blasted 50mm AT gun proved itself to be the queen of this all-clear-desert chess board. The Germans wisely eliminated my single forward observer as virtually their first order of business, ending the possibility of further supporting OBA by the second turn. Both sides maneuvered over most of the map with the British splitting up into 3 separate tank companies and the Germans moving by company as well. In the end, no amount of British maneuver was able to overcome the strength of the German armored units and the advantage of initiative. Four platoons of Honey tanks were sacrificed in what amounted to a very forlorn hope for the British Empire.

However, this scenario was fun to play, which got it a rating of 2 from me. IMHO it is so unbalanced, that it should be rated as a 1. Unless the Axis player is reckless in exposing one or more, unsupported German Pz-III platoons to the combined wrath of a full company of Honey tanks at relatively close range, there is no way for the British side to win this scenario.

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