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Desert Rats doesn’t get enough attention!
10-30-2012, 01:22 PM,
RE: Desert Rats doesn’t get enough attention!
(10-30-2012, 07:49 AM)waynebaumber Wrote: I suspect these games get less attention because its Commonwealth units not US, and to be fair the entire Western Desert campaign was a sideshow compared to the Eastern Front, no disrespect meant of course to those from all countries who fought and died in it.

I was thinking this same thing here, as I would assume a lot of players are American - also probably the reason for the popularity of the Bulge games mentioned in another post. I got Desert Rats as my second game and had a blast with the SotM battle from this game. I like the variety of nationalities and getting to play with those that I am not as familiar with - I can see playing many more from this one.
10-31-2012, 08:38 AM,
RE: Desert Rats doesn’t get enough attention!
I rate desert rats very highly too. I like the scenarios, the variety of units, and nationalities. operation Crusader is an interest of mine. It is a very fluid battle with many options. It all comes down to manueuverability and tactics. I also rate Afrika Korps highly as well. C&C King's officers blends these two well and adds some good desert war scenarios to the mix. I have been using it to create new North Africa Campaign scenarios to fill in the gaps for battles that Desert Rats and Afrika Korps does not present scenarios for.

North Afica Campaign is my favorite area for PzG gaming.
10-31-2012, 08:44 AM,
RE: Desert Rats doesn’t get enough attention!
It goes to show you, we need a few more games in the Desert area of PG!
10-31-2012, 12:45 PM,
RE: Desert Rats doesn’t get enough attention!
More Africa & Mediterranean games I would love to see added to PG:

• East Africa, with the areas of: Italian Somaliland, British Somaliland, Sudan, Kenya, Eritrea, Ethiopia & French Somaliland all covered.
• Greece-Albania-Yugoslavia campaign 1940-41.
• El Alamein
• Operation Torch
• Kasserine Pass & Tunsia
• The Mareth Line
• Sicily
10-31-2012, 01:13 PM,
RE: Desert Rats doesn’t get enough attention!
There is so much untouched at this point (Dragoon, Avalanche, Anzio, Gothic Line, etc., etc.). Try to even conceive of the number of scenarios we would have if the war was all covered at the level of the Battle of the Bulge or the fall campaign near Aachen and the Roer.
No "minor" country left behind...

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