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Beginners-Game Step-by-step
07-27-2013, 03:35 AM,
Beginners-Game Step-by-step
After endless hours of assembling, I´m finally ready to start my first game of PG.
As suggested, the first scenario will be # 19 First Blood from Eastern Front.
Below some pictures before I get started:

[Image: dsc_0318tkzob.jpg]

[Image: dsc_0320xzkyd.jpg]

[Image: dsc_0319njzlc.jpg]

[Image: dsc_0322pnl3v.jpg]

[Image: dsc_03215izyb.jpg]

As you can see on the first one, my girlfriend is really impressed of my new hobby…

Since I´ve got no clue, here is the Russian setup: 0808: INF, INF (reduced), LT 8-0-0; 0807: INF, HMG, LT 10-0-1; 0708: KOM 9-0-0

[Image: dsc_032349lk5.jpg]

The German setup: 0208: 37mm, HMG, 2 x Wagon, SGT 9-2-2; 0309: 3 x INF, LT 9-1-0, LT 9-0-1

[Image: dsc_0326g3z3p.jpg]

Initiative roll: Russians 1+2=3, Germans 3+4=7, so the Germans start with 7-3=4:2=2 action segments before it’s the Russians turn.

Please feel free to post comments concerning rules and tactics...

More to come soon...
07-27-2013, 10:04 AM,
RE: Beginners-Game Step-by-step
Maybe I should get one of those metallic when the kids leave the house and I have a room dedicated to gaming. It sure is tempting after seeing your pictures.

Don't forget about the Soviet reinforcements which appear in town per Scenario Special Rule (SSR) 3 when you play through the scenario.

You set up the Soviets as I would have. I might move some units west on the first turn and possibly have them start digging in in something like 1009, 1008, and 1007 on turn 2. The 10-0-1 Lieutenant would accompany. My basic idea would be to use this force to prevent the Germans from being able to advance directly, and quickly, towards town. The other Lieutenant would probably stay in town to direct the reinforcements to where they are needed.

I might have set up the German stack in 0209 instead of 0208 to start them on the road. The stack will pay 1 Movement Point (MP) to move from 0208 to 0309, but would pay only 2/3 MP if they were to move from 0209 to 0309. The Germans have a 9-2-2 Sergeant which is a big factor in such a small scenario. When your troops get close to the Soviets, try to make best use of your leaders so that your troops almost always benefit form one or the other leader's morale modifier should your troops take opportunity fire. Sorry if I am not clear but it will make more sense when your troops have to roll their first few morale checks.

07-27-2013, 08:49 PM,
RE: Beginners-Game Step-by-step
German first action segment: The stack in 0309 activates. The LT 9-1-0 activates the SGT 9-2-2 in hex 0208. The SGT 9-2-2 activates the 37mm, HMG, 2 x Wagon. So all German units are activated and choose to move. The 37mm as a weapon limbers and loads at the cost of its and a wagons complete Movement Points (MP) [5.63]; it´s marked with a moved/fired-marker. The HMG as a personnel loads at the cost of 1 MP and an additional 1 MP from the second wagon; after that the wagon moves with its remaining 2 MPs to 0209, 0309 and is marked with a moved/fired-marker (should have started in 0209 as mentioned by hugmenot). The SGT 9-2-2 moves to 0309 and is marked with a moved/fired-marker. The LT 9-1-0 and LT 9-0-1 move to 0409 and are marked with a moved/fired-marker. The 3 x INF move from 0309 to 0409, 0509 stop and are marked with a moved/fired-marker. End of action segment one.

[Image: dsc_0327rkko6.jpg]
07-27-2013, 11:16 PM,
RE: Beginners-Game Step-by-step
Three quick thoughts about your German move.

1. All units are on the road and are eligible for the road bonus for foot units. Since the Russian player is likely to get substantial reinforcements during the scenario speed will really help the Germans so the extra hex movement for the INF and HMG will be very helpful (see the terrain effects chart for road effects).

2. Your "2" morale leader is very important by effectively raising the morale of your units to "10" which will withstand a lot of fire before breaking. Keep him in a position to provide the most support (i.e. your hex with the lieutenant). As your forces space out you may have to make some other choices but at this point helping the greatest number of units is probably best.

3. Don't stack three high if you can avoid it (combat units, that is). The stack at 0509 will experience a positive column shift for direct and bombardment fire as long as it stays stacked three high. '"Overstacking" like this is usually only done in preparation for assault and then only when necessary.

These are items that rapidly become second nature as you play. Have fun!
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