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A new record
08-27-2016, 11:43 AM,
A new record
Is this the longest we've gone without a new AAR?
08-27-2016, 11:51 PM,
RE: A new record
Eventually I'll finish this Broken Axis scenario and get one up there. And I've been distracted by shiny stuff.
08-28-2016, 03:14 AM,
RE: A new record
Shiney stuff is good.
08-29-2016, 01:08 PM,
RE: A new record
Finally got one posted tonight, as it's been a while....been traveling quite a bit in July and August. It's good to get back home and see the game table again!
08-30-2016, 02:01 AM,
RE: A new record
Been crazy at work so none of the usual quiet Friday games, and the wife is getting ready for surgery so not much free time to play at home right now. Really miss getting at least a game a week on the table somewhere. Should quiet down again after her surgery, which will coincide with the post meeting quiet at work.
"Kill them all, let God sort them out."
10-26-2016, 12:30 AM,
RE: A new record
(08-27-2016, 11:51 PM)J6A Wrote: Eventually I'll finish this Broken Axis scenario and get one up there.  And I've been distracted by shiny stuff.

And by "eventually", I meant "2 months later."  My work schedule went nuts and I had other things going on, so I didn't get back to it before the last few days.  However, an AAR now exists for a Broken Axis scenario, and I now have another one set up.  A 4 mapper, which is big for me.  I usually play smaller scenarios, and I'm determined to get through this battle game.

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