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Full Version: Face to face results on home page
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I don't know if anyone else has had a problem with this but after logging in my shared play with Vince Hughes yesterday my loss did not show up in the 'Face to face results' area of my home page here. While I am not thrilled to be down to -5 with my overall shared plays it wasn't registered there and still sits at -4. I don't know if it is a one-time thing or if other's plays are not being recorded there either. I recieved credit for the play in all other areas but there. Just thought I would bring this to attention
Shared play head-to-head record updates to our statistics queue system as per Shad's developer's Head-to-Head Play entry..

This means you record will be updated when the queue is next processed (less than 30 minutes).
Right except for this play was logged in yesterday, well past 30 minutes ago but I see that Matt posted about this as well.
I responded in the other thread.