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Full Version: How much of your wargame playtime does PG get?
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(09-11-2013, 12:15 PM)Shad Wrote: [ -> ]At the rate you're going Ward, even if you kick the bucket after only a year or two, I think you're gonna be atop the player's mountain for a good long while! Smile

The things one does for posterity!!
With the number of new PG games coming out, I better get the basement refinishing done soon!

32 new maps, hundreds of scenarios (and that doesn't count KSF and Saipan that I haven't gotten yet)
(08-30-2013, 09:17 AM)Matt W Wrote: [ -> ]I still play a lot of the Civil War Brigade series from the Gamers ....

Me too, ever so slowly. Big games to play.
(08-29-2013, 05:21 PM)Shad Wrote: [ -> ]Series have a way of sucking people in... once you know the core rules it becomes very convenient to pull another scenario off the shelf rather than make room in one's brain for another ruleset... I'm curious how much of your overall wargaming time Panzer Grenadier gets?

Totally arbitrary guidelines:
  • rough estimate over no more than the last 2 years
  • thinking about hours here, not events, as games vary in length

I have significantly reduced my play of PG. Most of the members of my gaming group don't care for it and we primarily play World at War and Nations at War. The scenarios of WAW and NAW are, IMHO, better balanced and can be played in an evening. Also, the ability to play these games via Vassal has been a major factor. Perhaps now that Shad has posted is nice little Vassal module for Airborne, I will get back to playing PG.
I have to divide my time between minis and board gaming, and then between games that were intended as solo and those I generally only play solo anyway. Oddly enough, I didn't really own many solo games until COVID hit, and for whatever reason, I drifted to solo games, but as minis gaming opportunities come back and the list of PG games grows, I'm back into splitting the time between all the different games and systems I enjoy. My breakdown for the last 6 months hovers between Check Your 6 minis, Sergeants Miniatures (something of a crossover between minis and board games), PG, and a handful of non-historical games (Tales from the Loop, Star Trek Panic, etc.). But overall, just counting the hours spent, I'd have to say I've spent around half of my gaming time with a PG title.
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