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Full Version: Counter fonts & other notes
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When I want a counter, I make a counter. When a counter is inconsistent in the game system, I correct the deviants or make a counter. Over the past couple years I've learned a few things to make my counters look nice.

Counters being 0.65 square, .005 spacing in the panel (in Inkscape that is .7 pt)

Combat Factors
Helvetica-Compressed, 12pt (15pt seems to be correct in Inkscape)
Bombardment factors: white w/.005 black stroke
AT factors: RGB value #d11a41 on RGB #fbc308, 0.007 stroke if required
Flamethrower: RGB value #92292e

Movement & Armor factors
Helvetica-Compressed, 10pt (12pt seems to be correct in Inkscape)
Armore value: RGB value #fbc308 on RGB #92292e

Unit Designators & Reference
Helvetica Bold 5

Limbered box & type
Helvetica Bold, 7pt (8.7pt seems to be correct in Inkscape) resize as below
Box black 0.430 x 0.105 @ 0.161 x 0.264 (from lower left corner)
Text size 0.413 x 0.083, center in box

Special counter notes
Gross Duetchland shield: Apple Chancery, 3pt (4pt seemed to work correctly)
GD designation: Helvetica-Bold, GD unit type 5pt white no stroke
Thanks for the info!