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Full Version: Viewing what games needed for modules
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Over 6 months ago, when you viewed an expansion, it would show all the scenarios in a table view with which games were needed for each scenario on that one page. Is that completely gone now?
No, though it is somewhat different. Click on the module name. Right under the game image, ratings, and tour list, you will Expansion Game Requirements & Playability. In that section are all the required games, as well as how many scenarios are supported by which games.
Also, each specific scenario has the requirements on that scenario's page with your games/expansions ticked and one's you don't have marked with a red check.
Hi warstudent, to illustrate the point this is what I see when I view First Axis:


and when I view Scenario 17 of First Axis:


Whereas the old way laid everything out in a matrix for you to look over, during the Library redesign I opted for a simplified layout that was customized to each viewer's collection and offered a suggested "Next Buy".