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I think the question of counting battle v regular scenarios is worth getting a read of the folks here. There are a few ways to do it (or not) and probably more that I did not think about.
Sorry Matt, I go with none of the above, but maybe with bits of a couple.

First I don't think the battle should count for advancement points. You potentially have 3 points with any given scenario and none for a campaign ribbon. There should be an award to stick on your page and look at though. Something like recording a scenario play would be best. It would have something of a manual start. After that, with the proper database calls, the process would be largely automatic and a pin/star/badge would be awarded. The award would go under the players rank insignia, but could move to be on or under the campaign ribbon, should it be awarded. Encompassing all that would be a fair amount code, which I am not sure Drew would want to write.

Assuming the Code Genie grants my wish, the flow would go like this... I play the scenarios of The 1st Battle of Targu Frumos (9 scenarios), I'll play all scenarios with a certain opponent (who often calls me a SOB in his AAR's).
  1. I got to Records and AARs and choose the entry of Fought a Battle.
  2. Choose the game (just like for a scenario record), choose the battle (similar to a scenario record).
  3. System checks that I have recorded all the scenarios.
    1. If yes, go on.
    2. If no, give a message saying scenario(s) x.. have not been recorded and cannot proceed.
  4. System checks who my opponent was during the scenarios, if any.
    1. If the opponent was the same for all scenarios (like this example), system sends email/PM invitation to claim the battle.
    2. If not or solo play on list, no further action needed here.
  5. Drop menu to note which side won the battle. I'll say side 2 here (Soviet).
  6. System compiles a record list of which side I played in which scenarios, and a win-loss record.
  7. System puts star/badge under my rank insignia, perhaps with small title. Maybe a the title should appear if hovering on the award.
If I eventually get the Broken Axis ribbon, stars might be moved to that position. So while I played all the scenario, I might have only fought that one battle. How hovering on the star would work in the ribbon, I not entirely sure.

If the battle game record thingy ever gets off the ground, I suggest we also add mini-campaigns as battles. The Vorontsovo campaign, from PG: The East for example, or the distinct sections from Campaigns & Commanders, like the desert campaigns. Maybe the grouped scenarios like the Twin Villages battles (ElsR 5-8), but that would require creativity on out part.

For my part, I see the battle game idea as a way to gain notoriety on our profile pages without having to hit the high par of playing a complete game.
My thought is that if you want to really encourage battle game play then something more than pips or etc. needs to happen. I’m sure many of us have limited time to devote many hours to a battle game. All the scenarios may not be that appealing so it would be more of a favor to the site than a personal preference. So, to achieve the stated goal, I think we need to just award some really large bounty points for finishing them. Probably pretty easy to code that. That may give battle games much larger exposure.
What do "bounty points" do?
Only played two battle games: one from Invasion 44 and another from Kokoda. Since we play competitively, we only played (face to face) two - and not three - of the Kokoda battle game scenarios. Indeed the battle game VCs were such at the end of the second scenario that it would be a draw. How do you count this ?
I Have voted for option 2 because I am a cranky old man but Tread asked me to vote.  Personally it is not a burning issue for me
(07-18-2022, 11:42 PM)waynebaumber Wrote: [ -> ]I Have voted for option 2 because I am a cranky old man but Tread asked me to vote.  Personally it is not a burning issue for me

I don't think it should be particularly important to anyone. I like it as a way to put announcements on the front page. Progression, or the illusion there of, creates interest. Interest creates more plays.
(07-18-2022, 09:36 AM)Blackcloud6 Wrote: [ -> ]What do "bounty points" do?

Those are the points you get for completing a scenario and writing an AAR.  There is a section that lists the highest bounties being offered.
(07-19-2022, 12:25 AM)NBGB Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-18-2022, 09:36 AM)Blackcloud6 Wrote: [ -> ]What do "bounty points" do?

Those are the points you get for completing a scenario and writing an AAR.  There is a section that lists the highest bounties being offered.

Thanks, but that doesn't tell me what they do.   So, I get a 1000 Bounty Points, what happens?
(07-19-2022, 12:53 AM)Blackcloud6 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-19-2022, 12:25 AM)NBGB Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-18-2022, 09:36 AM)Blackcloud6 Wrote: [ -> ]What do "bounty points" do?

Those are the points you get for completing a scenario and writing an AAR.  There is a section that lists the highest bounties being offered.

Thanks, but that doesn't tell me what they do.   So, I get a 1000 Bounty Points, what happens?
They are fake internet points just like any other.
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