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There once was a gun,
Just a little bitty gun,
That appeared in 18 games!
That gun is the 65mm L17, used by the Italians from WW1 through WW2, though the one from LCDT might the French version mad in between the 2 Italian versions. It has been given a different movement capabilities through the game system.
  • 1/T    AfKo*, CCV2*, DeRa, DCor*, DeRa, Edel, EdlX*, EdIV*, LCDT, SAWa*, TaBa, WotE
  • 1/T    AOI, CaBr
  • 0/T    COOE
  • 0/T    FrRu, GofB, LiSa
A Red T means the gun needs transport to be moved. A black T means the gun can be dragged. An asterisk indicates that there are dragging rules in that game which don't apply to the 65mm.

The obvious first question is what makes the gun less mobile after the ammunition is gathered and the gun is prepped for towing? The second is that, in the case of the red T why is such a small gun, smaller than the 75mm IG, not at least draggable?

In a side email discussion, the consensus became that the gun mobility should be 0/1.

Did anyone else ever think about this?
I have a question, not an answer.  Did different nations/forces have different doctrines/procedures on dragging (the same) guns?
The answer would pretty much be no. This is because in 17 of those games it is the same country. The (potentially) French gun was developed for the same purpose and used the same way as the Italian guns.
I had occasionally pondered the difference between the red T and the black T on the back of certain weapons counters. However, I was never able to find anything from the rules and scenarios that even hinted at the difference. None.

Newly educated, I will use this information to make better operational and tactical decisions. Thanks for clearing that up for myself.
You have counters with black T's? My cousin and I had created that drag- nondrag designator for ourselves. We chose black for 2 reasons. Black was the color for most movement designations, and a black pen is easy to get and covers the red well.

Which units in standard printings have a black T?