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Hanging in there.  Heart surgery soon.
Sorry to hear that Larry! We will be praying for you!
I wish you the best with the surgery!
I think they are just using up piles of overproduced old counters. If they ever run out, they may print the game with an actual counter set.

Also, note that there are many players of PG who don't have the old titles. For them, it's not a reuse of components.
And good luck with the surgery, Larry.
> I think they are just using up piles of overproduced old counters.

That is correct.
I'm not upset at all about the re-use of old components. It makes perfectly sense and it is efficient. And it's true that those who do not own the "old" games should not mind at all.

I think it was not a good choice not to give the option to purchase parts of the games. There could have been trhee different products in the APL webstore: a) full game; b) scenario book + counters; c) scenario book.

My bet is that APL would have made more money out of it. ... but I can not proove it :-) !

Anyway, I respect Mike choice as he runs the company.

(01-24-2019, 06:44 PM)otto Wrote: [ -> ]I think it was not a good choice not to give the option to purchase parts of the games. There could have been trhee different products in the APL webstore: a) full game; b) scenario book + counters; c) scenario book.
I asked Dr. Mike about doing just that over on ConSim. The response was, "No, complete games only." Since I own  AfKo, DeRa, COOE, and SAWa, all that I don't have is the scenario book. $90 is a bit steep for just that.

An odd decision when you consider he made an update kit for 2nd Ed Au14. Elsewhere on ConSim. he mentioned that people getting games from distributors were reporting scenario books missing. I wonder how many of those missing books were from AOI.
I don't mind having duplicate counters but paying again for maps I already own makes it a much more difficult proposition to me.

I played my first AOI these past two Saturdays and it was a good one with my Italians holding long enough to earn the victory. I will rate it 4/5 when I enter the play.
The reuse of maps did seem like a cost cutting measure. I would have rather seen new ones. And I just don't think APL could logistically have handled adding in parts orders. The Au14 situation differs for me because that is a straight pack of components. Not quite as pick and choose as counters, scenario books and maps. And then you get the "I only need the AK counters, not the DR ones."

I keep all my games separate, so having duplicate counters doesn't bug me. The maps only bug me because I think it show a lack of creativity, although it's probably actually just a lack of resources.
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