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Right, think of the scale here. With the hex size, a unit will have already crossed over the bridge as it prepares the assault. Now, I wouldn't be against seeing game specific terrain that has bridges that go into kill zones.
Desert Rats - OK to play using version 4 ruleset?
(06-22-2017, 12:36 PM)Dan Storm Wrote: [ -> ]Desert Rats - OK to play using version 4 ruleset?

4th edition is officially backwards compatible with all the older games. Nothing will "break", but balance may become a bit off. Playing 4th edition would probably skew things towards the attacker with hills (the most prominent terrain feature in DR) no longer being limiting terrain, and tanks moving faster. I'm certainly no expert on 4th though. I would use 3rd for games designed prior to the 4th edition coming out, but thats merely my opinion.
(06-22-2017, 12:36 PM)Dan Storm Wrote: [ -> ]Desert Rats - OK to play using version 4 ruleset?

Yes.  Version 4 may affect the balance of some scenarios, but all of the Panzer Grenadier games can be played with either 3rd or 4th edition rules.
Thanks All.

Will give it a whirl both ways once I have a grasp.
(06-23-2017, 04:59 AM)Dan Storm Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks All.

Will give it a whirl both ways once I have a grasp.

Or, simply define Rough or Undulating terrain for otherwise Clear terrain enclosed by an elevation line (aka a "hill").  Viz, something like following the 4th ed TEC columns:

Rough  1  3  2    Yes   Yes  Limiting Terrain    Does not block LOS (save for usual rules viz-a-vis elevated hex).

Other terrain features (including roads) would be treated normally under 4th ed rules.

This allows one to have both clear/smooth/flat elevated/sloped terrain and "hills" whose geological nature often make them more undulating and rough than surrounding plains.  

My $0.02.
One other change to 4th edition which sometimes has a big effect is the maximum morale of 10. Digging out great morale troops is now only mostly impossible.
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