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Volksgrenadier 1945 regiment
02-01-2014, 05:13 AM,
Volksgrenadier 1945 regiment
Back a while ago, while working on some home made scenario ideas, I made up the extra counters for the 1945 VG regiment.

Have at it PY! Idea

Attached Files
.pdf   Volksgrenadier Reg.pdf (Size: 2.7 MB / Downloads: 156)
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02-01-2014, 06:57 AM,
RE: Volksgrenadier 1945 regiment
(02-01-2014, 05:13 AM)plloyd1010 Wrote: Back a while ago, while working on some home made scenario ideas, I made up the extra counters for the 1945 VG regiment.

Have at it PY! Idea



If I might ask, what is the organizational concept behind the STURM platoon? Did you consider this to represent one or two soldiers armed with a sturmgewehr and the rest with an MP-40 (say) or a platoon fully armed with the former? I ask because of the ratings given by APL for the AK-47 platoon and for the Grossdeutschland '46 counters (or, for that matter, a 7-3 Waffen SS GREN which, as I gather, presumes some upgrading to the assault rifle), so I was curious as to your approach/concept.

And, as silly as it sounds, I like trying to visualize the forces involved when setting up and playing a scenario.

Thanks for making this available.

02-01-2014, 07:48 AM,
RE: Volksgrenadier 1945 regiment
This is a reverse engineering exercise as I pulled the unit from page 74 of C&C: War in the East. Anyway, according to Bayonet Strength, a VG company consisted of 1 rifle platoon and 2 sturm platoons. By late '44 the sturm platoons we trading in their MP44's for Stg44's. Per The German Army Handbook and Handbook of German Military Forces, the LMG's seem to have been dispensed with. So they would look a lot like AK47 platoons, but with 3 9-man squads.

Anyway, that's my guess. I'm willing to entertain a better one, should anybody have it.
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02-01-2014, 10:52 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-01-2014, 10:56 AM by Poor Yorek.)
RE: Volksgrenadier 1945 regiment

Your message had me running to find my C&CV:CE - I'd forgotten about those TO&E diagrams in back.

The reason why I was curious is that I remembered from Grossdeutschland '46 that the STRM units were 8-3 see REF:

Quote:The "Sturm" ("Assault") infantry fielded by Grossdeutschland represent full-sized German infantry platoons fully armed with StG44 assault rifles. The GREN infantry found in late-war Panzer Grenadier titles include troops with this weapon, usually a mixture of them and the Mauser Gewehr 43 semi-automatic rifle. However, with manpower reserves drying up the Germans reduced the troop complement in their platoons, counting on the greater firepower of each soldier to make up for this shortage. The Grossdeutschland platoons are at full strength, with the new rifles, and thus rate a higher direct fire value.

The fully MG-42 armed HMG's => WFN 12-6 and ENG => PIO 10-2 .
02-01-2014, 02:07 PM,
RE: Volksgrenadier 1945 regiment
I remember that content article, and thought about it when I making the VG sturm counters. I wonder what "full-sized" really meant in the article. Was it the 37 men of a PG platoons from 1943-44 or the 43 men in a 1942 platoon? The firepower of 8 suggests the former to me.

The MG42's in the WFN & PIO units is the tripod stabilized version, unlike the version in the rifle/grenadier platoons. I would expect the WFN has an extra team, like the SS HMG counter.
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02-01-2014, 08:56 PM,
RE: Volksgrenadier 1945 regiment
I have absolutely nothing to add to such a scholarly discussion other than that I'm glad you're having it here! Smile Thanks lads.
...came for the cardboard, stayed for the camaraderie...
02-04-2014, 08:15 PM,
RE: Volksgrenadier 1945 regiment
Hello Peter,
why don't you create the VG leaders too?

02-05-2014, 05:08 AM,
RE: Volksgrenadier 1945 regiment
I hadn't really thought about making VG leaders. They don't seem to have been distinctive in way. Their uniforms, apart from the unit patches, are standard Heerstruppen. Usually though, it is not very hard to separate them from regular Heers. There are exceptions like "The Unflappable Colonel McDowell". Sometimes the number of leaders might be stressed like in "Hot Time at Übach". Minimum number of counters would be 10 LT, 4 CAPT, 2 MAJ, 1 LTC, & 1 COL (double sided of course) for current scenario support. Then we would need to figure how far to skew the ratings so the averages would be a little worse. I'm not so sure it worth the effort. Maybe with some numbers help I might do it.

Wouldn't you really rather I get back to the Ariete's TO&E's and counter additions?
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
02-05-2014, 09:00 PM,
RE: Volksgrenadier 1945 regiment
Well the suggestion was related to "easthetic reasons". VG units have a different shade of gray so it would be nice to have leaders with the same colour.

Ariete ... I was wondering "what is Peter doing about it?".
Yes more counters would be nice. ... I will send you a mail oin it.
02-07-2014, 04:44 AM,
RE: Volksgrenadier 1945 regiment
Nice work thanks. Is that posted anywhere else?

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