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Dan Storm has exited the Board
01-21-2020, 12:06 PM,
Dan Storm has exited the Board
I am very sad to relate that my good friend, our compatriot in cardboard chaos, Dan Storm/Dan Rohrmann has passed away in his sleep early this
week at his home.  His delightful wife Robin, who he treasured, called me in Thailand to let me know.  She will be putting up a gmail site to solicit stories
and memories...I'll relate it here.

Dan and I had been participating in a Panzer Grenadier game series effort over the last year, twice a week, via SKYPE....we hope to share more of that with more of you all.
you can see from our AAR reports we has some incredibly entertaining contests.  Robin related that gaming was Dan's Passion...and him relating the scenarios and
the conflicts to her was clearly some of his most delightful times--that his passion while doing so captivated her with his enthusiasm.

I am completely heartbroken at her loss, and our loss,  to lose such a great person to the world and to our little corner we call Panzer Grenadier.
LIVE LIFE---ENJOY your loved ones---in a blink it can change....

My eyes are getting moist here ....I will leave you with something from the Budda....
Coniglius, Adepss1, saracv3 like this post

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01-21-2020, 01:52 PM,
RE: Dan Storm has exited the Board
Sad to hear that Craig.
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
01-21-2020, 10:44 PM,
RE: Dan Storm has exited the Board
Et lux perpetua luceat ei.  Requiescat in pace.
01-22-2020, 12:58 AM,
RE: Dan Storm has exited the Board
Poor Dan. Thanks for letting us know, Craig.
...came for the cardboard, stayed for the camaraderie...
01-22-2020, 06:16 AM,
RE: Dan Storm has exited the Board
Weir, the other Craig, whose last name I unfortunately forget. In fact, I believe there are at least 3 active Craig’s in this club. I am Craig Martin.

I never had the pleasure to meet Dan, but I am always impressed when members spend half their time on the board. This is an indication of who they take as their friends and where their comfort zone is. Dan was a new member but exceptionally enthusiastic and made the board lively. I am sure we crossed each other in our posts.

I am shocked at Dan’s passing and ponder fate as it was so close to Larry’s death. Many of us are not young in years any more. I have been in board wargaming for 50 of my 59 years and am not in good health.

I give my condolences to Dan’s wife and family and I will miss him on this board.

Craig Martin

Shad likes this post
01-23-2020, 09:19 AM,
RE: Dan Storm has exited the Board
Sad news. My condolences to his family and friends.
01-24-2020, 03:26 AM,
RE: Dan Storm has exited the Board
Terrible news, my condolences to his family and friends.  

Something we should all be aware of... our own mortality.  I will be 50 in June, and I have become increasingly aware of my own mortality. I sit behind a desk for 8-10 hours a day.  That dawned heavily on me about a year and a half ago, when I was weighing in at ~250 with a 46 inch waist.  I joined a boot camp gym in October 2018. Since then I have lost 30 pounds, while increasing muscle mass, and I'm down to a 38 inch waist.  My goal is 200 pounds and 36 inch waist by my 50th birthday.  There isn't much else I can do... I've given up the fast food, the sodas and the beer. I workout 5-6 days per week (45 minute High Intensity Interval Training...HiiT sessions), and I am monitoring what I eat every day.  I'm doing what I can to position myself for a better, healthier life, but as the photo above suggests, our time is limited and we never really know when the bell will toll.  

To my fellow Grenadiers, if you haven't already made some health changes in life, it is never too late to start!!!  Small diet modifications, and a small increase in physical activity will have immediate effects!!!  Since starting this program, I am off most meds, my HDL, LDL and triglycerides are all in the 'green' and my blood sugar is down from borderline diabetic to a very manageable number.  If this gives me even a few more months on my clock, it will be well worth the effort, and I implore you to do something similar to increase your health and improve your quality of life  (and so that we can continue to push cardboard counters around)!!!
Adepss1 likes this post
01-24-2020, 12:57 PM,
RE: Dan Storm has exited the Board
We should start a Dan Storm challenge...for each of a year...weight, exercise AND games
..I'll get creative after recovering from flying home from Asia.....?
01-25-2020, 12:22 AM,
RE: Dan Storm has exited the Board
My friends, and as yet unmet friends.  Dan's wife Robin has posted this and I want to share it with you:
 My dear friends and family,
Thank you, everyone, for your beautiful messages. It warms my heart to know how much Dan was loved and will be missed. A celebration of his life has been planned and here is the information…I hope you can either attend or keep him in your thoughts and heart during this time.
Friday, January 31st at 2:00-4:00 pm
Friendship Park Conservatory
395 W. Algonquin Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016

In lieu of flowers, please donate to or volunteer at your local Scout Troop. Particularly to those troops that have integrated girls as Dan was a huge proponent of the equality of men and women. Kindly earmark those donations to upgrade troop camping equipment, and to setting up scholarships for Scouts who cannot afford treks at Philmont.
To assist in this celebration, it would be wonderful to receive your fondest memory and pictures of Dan so please reply to this email If you have hard-copy pictures and not able to scan and send, please reply and let me know so we can work it out.
I encourage you to forward this email to anyone you feel would want to know.
With love and appreciation,
Robin Ludwig Rohrman

This is a tremendous and unexpected shock--as all passings are--but this one had no warning(as far as I know).
If you had a chance to interact or appreciate Dan--any message to her would uplift her spirits and be a wonderful thing for our community to do (I think).

I still can't believe this has happened...My Tuesday/Thursday nights are going to ring hollow without the guy who "Spent half his money on Whisky, Women and Wargames, and wasted the rest"....

And the messages of health, and how we all need to be cognizant of it for ourselves and the impact on our Families-- well--that causes me to want to see Dan's passing
as a warning and opportunity.
So---I'd like to propose the "Dan Storm Memorial Challenge" --- All of us should track our weight, blood-pressure, exercise frequency....Let's all drop at least a pound/month and get out and walk at least a few miles per week...This is about keeping ourselves alive....we are so fortunate to live in a time when the demands are
so few we sit so much---but the downside is we do just that...and it can kill us.
Anyone interested in doing some remote gaming, and facing off over the computer (or in person)? --- I will take you on--- but we both start tracking!! In a year I want
my weight down (253) and my blood pressure better! (156/110).... 

So--any takers? Do you have it in you to face me on the map-board and get healthy?  I will  be relentless....."YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!"
cjSmile -- For Dan.
01-25-2020, 07:49 AM,
RE: Dan Storm has exited the Board
God Bless You Dan!

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