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A Case for Counting Repetitive Scenario Play
09-09-2021, 02:36 AM,
A Case for Counting Repetitive Scenario Play
PG-HQ only counts one's first play of a scenario and has always done so.  Shad explained the reason for that a long time ago, and frankly I have forgotten what that was but i do remember at the timer it seemed reasonable.

But now since we have PG-Uber for VASSAL and a competitive ladder, I'd like to ask for consideration of changing the policy to allow multiple plays of scenarios for one's play count towards rank.  Here are my reasons for asking such:

1.  PG-Uber gives us a door for increased competitive play against other PG players throughout the world.  It has been common in tactical wargaming circles to switch sides after a scenario play and have a go at the same scenario playing the other side.  Since the goal of PG-HQ and PG-Uber is to encourage play, if people want to switch sides and play again, let's encourage this.  It gives us more plays.

2.  Switching sides and playing the scenario again is a good teaching tool.  A more experience and capable player could then show the beginner how to win , or teach certain tactics and techniques etc.  Since we have a mentor program, and beginners need to play much beyond the mentorship, let's encourage play that help players learn.

3. True balance is discerned through many playing of a scenario.  There truly needs to be a large number of playing to level out all the variances that can occur.  Let's encourage more plays of a scenario to be able to better analyze balance.  Also, there may be scenarios that are seemingly unbalanced becasue one side is not being grokked properly by players at the start of their first play.  But during their first (and subsequent) play they may gain insight into what the designer was trying to do in the scenario and be able to figure out a path to victory for the losing side.

4.  As part of #3, there have been many times after I AAR my own solo playing I figure out how things could have been played differently, but I am reluctant to play a scenario again becasue time is precious and if I want to advance my number of plays, i move on to another scenario.  The ranking system and keeping track of plays is, for me frankly, a good motivator to play PG.  Why hinder it?   Some people like to play scenarios many times for many reasons.  Let's not discourage them for doing what they like or want to do.  Let's encourage them to play PG; a play is  a play after all.

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A Case for Counting Repetitive Scenario Play - by Blackcloud6 - 09-09-2021, 02:36 AM

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