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TEC for Airborne IE
03-28-2023, 12:15 PM,
TEC for Airborne IE
For Airborne IE scenarios, should I be using the TEC entries for swamp and hedgerows on the back of the scenario book instead of the normal TEC entries?
03-28-2023, 12:29 PM,
RE: TEC for Airborne IE
Generally Game specific (like FiTS, or Army at Dawn games, these rules they are presented in the Scenario book...)
rules overrule/extend the general PzGren V4.0 for those game scenarios (or for that period/location for those who experiment...)

And then Scenario Special Rules SSR ( those in the scenario book for a particular engagement) overrule all others when they conflict for 
a particular scenario played.

So yes, playing the Airborne IE scenarios---if there are special rules for swamp and hedgerows--the scenarios were built
with those rules in mind.

There has been ongoing hedgerow discussions on the forum as designers have taken more/less aggressive hedgerow perspectives......
03-28-2023, 01:23 PM,
RE: TEC for Airborne IE
The general understanding at the time was that the TEC on the scenario book for swamps was misprinted and you should use the values on the 3rd edition TEC. (A:IE was the first module published with 3rd edition btw). Hedge rules/TEC should be correct in the scenario book. I would have to dig up old CSW posts to cite that, but I read through it all again last fall when I was prepping to play the module "properly". 

Most people retcon 4th edition into the older games, so I don't know what they would tell ya.
03-29-2023, 12:11 AM,
RE: TEC for Airborne IE
Thanks for the insight.  I am using 4th Edition rules.  I think I'll go with the normal TEC entry for swamp and the module entry for hedgerows.
treadasaurusrex and joe_oppenheimer like this post
03-29-2023, 10:11 PM,
RE: TEC for Airborne IE
I recommend just sticking with 4th Edition, so you don't have to do mental flops between modules.  PG scenarios are not finely tuned masterpieces of balance.
Miguelibal, joe_oppenheimer, Michael Murphy like this post

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