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PARA and PMG not in British OOB 1944-45 - Printable Version

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PARA and PMG not in British OOB 1944-45 - fanghawk - 11-04-2022

The book I'm playing with now besides Fronte Russo is Britain's Battle of the Bulge. I noticed that in a few of the later scenarios, British PARA and PMG units are called for in the OOB. The British OOB included with Liberation 1944 (and by extension Britain's Bulge) is supposed to have these two units, but they are not included in the VASSAL files that I can find (not listed in the catalog for the OOB either which is based off Cassino according to the note). They are technically available for download with the 1942-43 British OOB in La Campagne de one can get to them indirectly if one wants. But they are not in the OOBs for Liberation/Britain's Bulge so if the goal is to have the complete OOBs in one place for each game, they probably need to be added. Unless I have missed them which is also (always) a distinct possibility.

RE: PARA and PMG not in British OOB 1944-45 - plloyd1010 - 11-04-2022

So it seems. I thought I had gotten them in there last Spring. Another thing for the December update.

RE: PARA and PMG not in British OOB 1944-45 - fanghawk - 11-15-2022

As long as things are slated for a December update, I thought I'd also point out that a couple scenarios call for British OBA 10. The lowest British OBA I've seen in VASSAL is 13. I haven't checked Dunkirk but it was not in the British 1942-43 forces that I pulled the PARAs from to play my Britain's Bulge scenario.

I'd also like to take the opportunity to again express my awe and appreciation for what you've accomplished with PG Uber. The depth, options, and unique mechanics that have been folded into the game are truly amazing. So, a big THANK YOU to everyone involved (and especially Pete) for all the work that went into creating it and the work that goes into keeping it updated.