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Mac Monterey Operating System - daedalus - 02-24-2022

I made a huge mistake by upgrading my MacBook Air to Monterey…. Ughhh.. suffice it to say that after  losing all of my Vassal files and and hour or two to get everything back, I thought I was in business.

well, not so fast.  I am playing a scenario of FiTS with a friend in Missouri.  All of the functions work just fine except one.  When I flip my infantry units they will flip on his screen but, not on mine.  Only infantry units have this issue.  Anybody have any ideas on what is going on here?


RE: Mac Monterey Operating System - plloyd1010 - 02-24-2022

I don't know. Is your Vassal installation clean? Did you clear your tile cache? Is it only the infantry you are playing with now?

RE: Mac Monterey Operating System - goosebrown - 02-25-2022

Not that it helps, but i am on Monterey and I have not had problems, so it probably is something local. I think Peter's suggestion is where to start, you need to clean out the cache.

As a last resort. Delete everything and have your friend in MO send you the saved game file and open that on a fresh installation.

RE: Mac Monterey Operating System - daedalus - 02-25-2022

First, thanks for the replies.... I should have been more clear with my issue. We are playing scenario 2 from FiTS which includes armor, on-board artillery, mortars, and infantry. All functions work with the other units and the only function that doesn't work with the infantry is the flip function.

I have removed the entire module, reinstalled it and had my friend send me the game file to no avail. I have also cleared the tile cache and still no luck.

Things that make you go hmmmmm.

RE: Mac Monterey Operating System - plloyd1010 - 02-26-2022

When your friend flips his infantry, do they flip on your screen?
Have checked for version mismatches? Especially the OOB versions.
I assume you are playing with Vassal 3.5.x or higher.

RE: Mac Monterey Operating System - daedalus - 02-26-2022

When he flips his units it is reflected on my screen.  We are both using the latest version of Vassal ….3.6.5.

we both checked our versions of FiTS and PZGRD Uber.  The funny thing is that when I flip my units it is reflected on his screen just not on mine.  

Could this be a memory issue with my Mac?

RE: Mac Monterey Operating System - plloyd1010 - 02-26-2022

Not likely the Mac. Others seem to use Macs and Vassal 3.6.5 without problems, though Macs seem to have some strange file issues. I also don't really know how they handle the extensions.
The current version of PG Über is 3.1. It will be updated to 3.2 next week.
The OOB German Army 1941-42 is 7.0, the OOB Soviet RKKA 1939-42 is 10.0. Both of those have minor updates coming too.

RE: Mac Monterey Operating System - pixelgeek - 02-27-2022

Did you update the module you are using? I have had issues in the past where a module update causes issue like this because the IDs and/or locations of the images in the module are different.

Try deleting one of the units and then replacing it again from the armies/units area and see if that new unit works correctly.

RE: Mac Monterey Operating System - pixelgeek - 02-27-2022

(02-26-2022, 05:59 AM)plloyd1010 Wrote: though Macs seem to have some strange file issues

Do you mean it not having icons for the various save, log and extension files?

RE: Mac Monterey Operating System - plloyd1010 - 02-27-2022

(02-27-2022, 01:21 AM)pixelgeek Wrote: Do you mean it not having icons for the various save, log and extension files?
I mean like where files are kept and registered.