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Eastern Front Mission 1 German Setup - Printable Version

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Eastern Front Mission 1 German Setup - Kithikor - 08-30-2021

This is about AFV leaders, or lack of...
With no AFV leaders how do the tanks get closer, as per the rules that state, a unit can't get closer to the enemy that can inflict damage on them. So how can German tanks advance?

RE: Eastern Front Mission 1 German Setup - triangular_cube - 08-30-2021

All German AFVs have intrinsic leaders unless it is otherwise noted. Rule 6.8 in 3rd edition or something similar in 4th.

RE: Eastern Front Mission 1 German Setup - Kithikor - 08-30-2021

But the year is 1941, so I didn't think there were AFV leaders.

RE: Eastern Front Mission 1 German Setup - triangular_cube - 08-30-2021

Germans have them automatically regardless of year.

RE: Eastern Front Mission 1 German Setup - plloyd1010 - 08-30-2021

Nearly all German tanks have inherent tank leaders. The only exception so far has been early war SS tanks.

RE: Eastern Front Mission 1 German Setup - Kithikor - 08-30-2021

Oh man! I put the comma in the wrong spot.
I see my error now!
Thank you for the help!