Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
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Ecuador Attacks
War on the Equator #1
(Defender) Peru vs Ecuador (Attacker)
Formations Involved
Ecuador Córdova Infantry Battalion
Peru 20th Infantry Battalion

Overall balance chart for WotE001
Side 1 7
Draw 0
Side 2 7
Overall Rating, 16 votes
Scenario Rank: 575 of 918
Parent Game War on the Equator
Historicity Historical
Date 1941-07-05
Start Time 08:00
Turn Count 12
Visibility Day
Counters 17
Net Morale 1
Net Initiative 0
Maps 2: 19, 3
Layout Dimensions 56 x 43 cm
22 x 17 in
Play Bounty 137
AAR Bounty 141
Total Plays 14
Total AARs 6
Battle Types
Urban Assault
Scenario Requirements & Playability
Eastern Front Maps
Road to Berlin Maps
War on the Equator Base Game

Some Peruvian sources claim fighting broke out then an Ecuadorian battalion crossed the border to attack the Peruvian garrison at Aguas Verdes. In the Ecuadorian version, two officers went to Aguas Verdes simply to inform the Peruvians that farmers had crossed the border and were illegally clearing Ecuadorian land. And since the Peruvians had already proven themselves untrustworthy, naturally the officers brought a few hundred bodyguards with them.


The Peruvians claim they drove the Ecuadorians back over the border and secured Aguas Verdes; the Ecuadorians claim there was no battle here at all. That's not unusual in military history, particularly in less-examined areas where facts are malleable as clay. Something probably happened, however, as the Aguas Verdes incident would be Peru's excuse for war.

Display Order of Battle

Ecuador Order of Battle
  • Foot
Peru Order of Battle
  • Foot

Display AARs (6)

No, no, we're just here for the scenery
Author J6A
Method Solo
Victor Ecuador
Play Date 2012-05-18
Language English
Scenario WotE001

This is a nice intro scenario to the War on the Equator supplement. Having just received my laser-cut counters, I wanted to give them a spin. Its a very small scenario, with 6 Ecuadoran platoons and 2 leaders facing initially 1 Peruvian platoon with a leader and eventually 4 more (including 1 HMG platoon) and 2 leaders. The fight is over the town on board 19. The Ecuadorans advanced quickly and seized the outskirts of town while the lone Peruvian platoon, after demoralizing an Ecuadoran INF (good luck recovering with 6/5 morale) pulled back awaiting reinforcements (which began arriving on turn 3). The Ecuadorans assaulted the lone platoon and it didn't go well. 2 of the Ecuadoran INF were demoralized and the other one disrupted. The remaining good order Ecuadoran units set up a defensive perimeter in 0506 and 0407. Things did not look good for the visiting squad.

And then it turned around. One of the Demoralized INF in the assault hex rolled a 2 to recover fully, and the other one recovered to disrupted, taking them out of immediate danger. Good luck on opportunity fire at 2 hexes (with a 3 strength unit) demoralized a Peruvian INF which promptly took off for the rear. 2 Peruvian INF and an HMG moved to soften up 0506 and then assault. An Peruvian INF advanced adjacent and survived the OP fire (3 column shifted to 11, rolled a 3, but the INF passed the morale test) and on the next turn, its return fire demoralized the Ecuadoran defender, allowing 3 more platoons to advance adjacent to the town. The demoralized Ecuadoran fled, but was replaced by a good order unit.

On turn 10, the Peruvians began a desperate assault with disastrous results. The Captain was demoralized and an INF was disrupted. The Captain ran to the rear to request reinforcements. Meanwhile, the demoralized Ecuadoran rolled another 2 and became good order again. The original assaulting troops from 0507 had finally recovered, and the Peruvians didn't have enough strength left to assault them effectively. They were on the 5 column, while the Ecuadorans were on the 9. They tried, but suffered a demoralized leader for their troubles.

With 11 of 12 turns done and no chance of taking more than 2 town hexes (and that chance was VERY slim), the Peruvians conceded.

I rated this a 4 because after thinking the Ecuadoran position to be hopeless, I saw how on defense and with a little luck, they could withstand the counter attack. With so few units and a playing time under an hour, this was a lot of fun.

Oh...that Ecuadoran INF that was demoralized on turn 2? It had fled to the woods in 0303 and sat there all game, finally recovering to disrupted on turn 10.

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Excuse me but, those are our crops that your farmers harvested...
Author Coniglius
Method Solo
Victor Peru
Play Date 2015-03-25
Language English
Scenario WotE001

This is the introductory scenario in the War on the Equator set. I had played this last year as I had the download and print version, but I re-played it after receiving the laser cut edition.

First of all, I'd like to say that this is a very good introductory scenario. It reminded me of the old Squad Leader programmed instruction method of play whereby the players are given just enough rules to play scenario 1, then a few more rules to play scenario 2, etc.

This had potential to be either very easy or very tough for the Ecuadorian player, who is on the offensive. If the Peruvian reinforcements don't arrive in time, then the sole Peruvian platoon could be overwhelmed rather quickly. As it turned out, the Peruvian reinforcements were already in a heightened state of awareness as they arrived on the first opportunity (turn 2). The Ecuadorians advanced in 3x stacks of 2x platoons each, staggered from left to right to take advantage of the command activation rules. They made good progress towards the village, but the Peruvians were suspicious and aware, and their own reinforcements, including the only heavy weapons ion the scenario, made equally good time in their approach from the opposite side of the village. The Ecuadorians reached the village first, but rather than having time to sufficiently prepare the position for assault with close range fire, they were forced into a frontal assault that quickly bogged down. When the Peruvian reinforcements arrived and engaged in support of their brethren, the rout was complete, and a couple hundred Ecuadorians went sent streaming back across the stream, to their own side of the border.

As I said, it was a simple scenario, but very enjoyable. I've played this a couple times now, and I use it as a refresher for rules mechanics as it serves the purpose of educating a player in a step by step manner. It's easy, fast, and fun, and each time I've played it, I've reached a different result which serves another key aspect; it is well balanced!!

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War On The Equator, scenario #1: Ecuador Attacks
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Peru
Play Date 2011-06-03
Language English
Scenario WotE001

A pretty straight forward slugfest scenario. Low unit count but I love playing with my homemade counters I took so much time to make. With a low unit count however, a few dice rolls can made a difference in winning or losing a game. The Ecuadorians were up at one point in this scenario, controlling 2 out of 4 city hexes and knocking out two Peruvian INF steps but in the last two turns, the Peruvians controlled 3 out of 4 city hexes for the victory. The enemy step losses only count for one point while city hexes count as two points each. Peruvian Victory! The low morale of these units makes recovery difficult.

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Toll Keeper
Author Matt W (Peru)
Method Face to Face
Victor Ecuador
Participants Hugmenot (AAR)
Play Date 2012-06-09
Language English
Scenario WotE001

This is a very short scenario with only 12 turns so delaying your opponent can have a material effect on the final result. As the Peruvian with only one platoon starting on the board I felt that it was probably best to try to cause the Ecuadorians some delay as they came across the river. I am sure that the usual approach for the setup would place the infantry in the town but I went for the confusing Opportunity Fire delay and it worked. I got four M or M1 results on the arriving Ecuadorian troops on their way to the town AND my reinforcements arrived on the first possible roll. Sounds like a clear win was on the way. After all the Ecuadorians are saddled with that terrible 6/5 morale.

You got it, three out of the four Ecuadorian platoons that had to check morale passed with flying colors and they were able to enter the town in force. I was able to counterattack back into the town and actually caused three step losses to a single stop loss on the Peruvians but was unable to shake the Ecuadorians out of the town. The scenario ended with the Ecuadorians holding two town hexes with the other two contested, resulting in a 5-3 Ecuadorian victory. I could have probably drawn with a third assault but I went for the higher column trying to cause a step loss on the last turn and managed to roll on one on the 13 column which ended up causing no damaged whatsoever. (My rolls on the assaults were dreadful!).

This is a very fun little scenario and one which gives the Ecuadorians the chance to actually be on the offensive. I give it a "3".

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When Rolling for Morale, Roll Low!
Author Hugmenot (Ecuador)
Method Face to Face
Victor Ecuador
Participants Matt W (AAR)
Play Date 2012-06-09
Language English
Scenario WotE001


The Peruvians set up their lone INF platoon with a 7-0-0 Teniente in 0208 on board 19. The Ecuadorians start their march to victory with 2 INF platoons and a 9-0-1 Capitan in 0809 on board 19, and two more INF platoons with the 8-0-0 Mayor right behind them in 0710.


My Ecuadorians marched down the road as quickly as possible to arrive first in town. As the lone Peruvian platoon had taken two opportunity shots at my lead troops, I brought the remaining two platoons next to it in order to demoralize it next turn. Bad move, the Peruvians win the initiative and managed to disrupt one of my platoon.

I came to my senses and moved all my platoons into town. Peruvians attacked and assaulted, but the dice lords were on my side this day and my troops kept making their morale rolls. And missing whatever shots they took so it was not a bloody affair.

I ended up winning when Matt followed my lead and rolled low, but for an assault this time.


Short scenario; I believe we played this one in under 35 minutes. To my mind, it rates a "3" as it is enjoyable and well-balanced.

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A Bold River Crossing
Author treadasaurusrex (Ecuador)
Method Face to Face
Victor Ecuador
Participants sagunto
Play Date 2021-11-27
Language English
Scenario WotE001

This play-though of a 12-turn scenario was played in just one session in face-to-face mode. As I don't own all of the maps required to play this one, my opponent owns those needed for us to play. My onsite opponent wanted to be the Peruvians on defense in the town for this relatively balanced scenario. We did not use the FOW rule. The Peruvians were in delay mode from the beginning and my Ecuadorian troops paid the price of frequent disruptions for having such miserable (6/5) morale. The Peruvians reinforcements arrived on time. Surpisingly, in spite of the lousy morale my Sons of Ecuador were able to take the darn town! They did suffer 2 step losses to the inevitable Peruvian counter attack, but managed to hold their positions and inflict 3 step losses on the Peruvians.

In the end the, Peruvians only held one town hex and the rest were occupied by the Ecuadorians, resulting in a costly win for my side. Both sides threw lots of bad die rolls, but the Ecuadorians had significantly better luck with morale checks. I agree with other AAR authors that this is a fun-filled, simple to setup & play, introductory scenario that plays very quickly.

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