Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Errors? Omissions? Report them!
Contradiction in Terms
White Eagles #1
(Defender) Poland vs Germany (Attacker)
Formations Involved
Germany Ebbinghaus Battalion
Poland 55th Reserve Division
Poland Slask Police

Overall balance chart for WhEa001
Side 1 3
Draw 2
Side 2 9
Overall Rating, 15 votes
Scenario Rank: 384 of 918
Parent Game White Eagles
Historicity Historical
Date 1939-09-01
Start Time 05:30
Turn Count 20
Visibility Day
Counters 31
Net Morale 0
Net Initiative 0
Maps 3: 17, 2, 6
Layout Dimensions 84 x 43 cm
33 x 17 in
Play Bounty 123
AAR Bounty 135
Total Plays 14
Total AARs 7
Battle Types
Urban Assault
Hidden Units
Scenario Requirements & Playability
Eastern Front Maps + Counters
Road to Berlin Maps
White Eagles Base Game

During the pre-dawn hours, the special "Ebbinghaus Battalion" infiltrated across the Polish border and prepared to attack the Polish factory complex as Slask. Theodor von Hippel, a veteran of the World War One East African Schutztruppe, had recruited ethnic Germans from Poland, Polish renegades resident in Germany, and a host of petty criminals for his special force; what insanity gripped the Army Intelligence officers who allowed him to risk operational security with this pack of misfits is unclear today. But they arrived at their target to find the Poles ready and waiting.


This scenario marks one of the stranger interludes of the September Campaign. When the war was new, amateurs of all nationalities tried to make their mark on it. The German assault failed miserably and about half the attackers were killed. Why Hippel was allowed to try to blow up factories that would have fallen into German hands undamaged with hours is another mystifying question. But Adm. Wilhelm Canaris of military intelligence was impressed that the armed bumpkins made it to the factories at all, thanks to huge numbers of fluent Polish-speakers in the ranks who simply told anyone who asked that the column was Polish. Canaris recruited the survivors as the basis for the famous Brandenburg commando units.

Display Order of Battle

Germany Order of Battle
Poland Order of Battle
Wojska Lądowe

Display Errata (2)

2 Errata Items
Overall balance chart for 20

The reduced direct fire value of the Heer HMG became 5-5 starting with Fall of France.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)
Overall balance chart for 63

The morale and combat modifiers of German Sergeant #1614 should be "0", not "8".

(Shad on 2010 Dec 15)

Display AARs (7)

A Good Beginning for White Eagles
Author Retiredgrunt17
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2017-11-20
Language English
Scenario WhEa001

This was a good first scenario for WE. The Poles set up around the perimeter of the town an death Germans got lit up when they got close. It took a bit for the German to recover and assault, which they did manage. A German company did an end around to which the outmanned Poles tried to respond to, but failed in the end and were overwhelmed. This left the rest of the defenders outmanned. The defense crumbled and the Germans got the victory.

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It Blows Up Real Good
Author Hugmenot
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2012-09-25
Language English
Scenario WhEa001

Played solo in one 3 hour session.

The Germans split their force into two as per the setup rules and have both the south and north groups approach the town way east of the road. The Poles reveal their hidden forward positions and have those units hurry back to defend the central town.

The Germans lose two steps to opportunity fire when just before making contact but they win the initiative next turn and are able to assault the Poles. It becomes a game of cat and mouse with the Poles taking chances to chase and assault the German engineers. The Germans assault the chasers at favorable odds but the Poles take heart and do not break. The Poles always disengage all but one unit to continue the chase. A German fire group finally managed to eliminate two half platoons but it's too little, too late; the Poles held.


The Germans were successful in 5 of 29 demolition attempts.

Victory Points

Germans: 7 Polish steps eliminated and 15 points for the 5 factories demolished. Total = 22. Poles: 6 German steps eliminated and 17 factories still intact. Total = 23.

I rate this one a "4" and recommend it for solo, ftf, and Skype play.

This scenario includes more decision points than the typical small urban assault scenario as the German engineers have a demolition bonus in addition to their regular bonus for assaulting town hexes. In my opinion, the key for the Poles is to keep the engineer in assault to reduce the probability of a successful demolition.

The theme made me recall Second City skits by John Candy and Joe Flaherty!

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Dummy Explosives Fail to Blow Up Polish Factories
Author Bangla (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Poland
Participants tlangston28 (AAR)
Play Date 2019-11-10
Language English
Scenario WhEa001

This scenario is more interesting than at first glance. The Germans are effectively local thugs, high in morale until they suffer any casualties when they melt away. Although clearing the central town of Polish units will bear victory points, by far they need to demolish building hex after building hex to take VP's away from the Pole and build their own tally. The Polish National Guard though have to be patient, wait until the Germans close, and then pound them from hidden positions. Key to all this is the fate of the two German Engineer units, which I found to my cost.

The Germans enter the map, split into two forces, from the north and south edges. The Poles all set up hidden, but have to be careful they don't get bypassed and can't get back to defend the town. As it turned out, the Poles set up one National Guard in a small village to the north, blocking the road, and their only cycle unit in the woods covering the road from the south. The rest remained holed up in the main town ... waiting. The Germans though, wary of being ambushed on the road, came along the north east and south west board edges and kept well out of the way of those Polish outposts. So, as the Germans made their way towards the town, the two outposts made their way back to the town and we would have the full force of both sides in the town.

Not taking the road turned out to be a mistake as they wasted a lot of valuable time raching the town. A second mistake was splitting their troops further, resulting in two INF units and one ENG unit being held up outside the town, leaderless, by the Polish National Guard. The two HMG's similarly were held up by the Polish HMG on the north east area of the town. The battle for the factories would come from the south and south west.

As the Germans entered the town they became embroiled in assaults with elements of the National Guard. Because they had only one ENG unit who made it to the town, demolishing buildings became very difficult ... only 3 out of 26 attempts were successful. Clearly the explosives were defective! The Poles did manage to slowly reduce the German attackers, but the failure of the attackers to complete their demolition mission meant the defenders' margin of victory was great indeed. There are 22 town hexes in total, so 19 hexes not destroyed meant 19 VP's for the Poles. Final VP tally 24:9.

Lessons for this newbie. Keep your units and leaders together, and if you're gonna act do it very quickly.

1 Comment
(edited 2019-11-13 10:48)

I wonder how this scenario would play with Sturmabteilung units from Hopeless, But Not Serious or Schutzstaffel from Sinister Forces. It might be a little much as the Germans already appear somewhat outgunned. (I know these guys are pre-Brandenburgers, hence army special forces, still...)

Good lessons. I would add, don't lose focus of your objectives. Not only in what they are, but also on how you intend to achieve them.

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Blow the Factory Works...3,2,1...pffft.
Author tlangston28 (Poland)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Poland
Participants Bangla (AAR)
Play Date 2019-11-10
Language English
Scenario WhEa001

Played this small first scenario from White Eagles with Tony Reynolds (user "Bangla" on this site) over two sessions. Bangla is fairly new to the system so this small scenario would provide a great learning experience for him and a new experience for me, as I had not played a scenario out of this book. It portrays a pre-invasion assault on Polish Factory works in Slask by a crew of criminals, renegades and misfits, defended by elements of a Reserve division and local police. The objective for the Germans is to destroy as many factory hexes as they can. The Polish units start hidden while the German units approach from the North and South.

We rolled for sides with the result that I was to be the Polish and Bangla the Germans. I setup primarily with units on the north and south end of the town on board 2, representing the factory complex to defend. I also setup a Porucznik (Por) with an ON unit in the northern town, and another Por leader with the CYC unit on the northwest edge of the woods east of the road on board 6. The Germans split the Engineers, one in the north along with the HMGs with 3 INF, LT and SGT. The CAPT and MAJ arrived from the South with 4 INF and the other Engineer.


The Germans approached from the Northeast and the Southwest edges and moved along the forest lines towards the town. As both forces rounded the forests on those edges, the outlying units in the north moved back towards town while the Germans in the south came under a short burst of fire from the CYC before that unit and the Por with it moved back towards the town. Once the polish units made it to town, the objective was to keep the Germans at bay, setting up in locations with a wide range of firing arcs. The Germans spent the better part of the middle turns getting close and into position while recovering from disruption due to opportunity fire. The northern units moved an ENG and 2 INF units around the hills to the northeast of town with the LT and the SGT and 2 INF units moved west around the town, leaving the HMGs to cover their moves. While moving, The German realized that the HMGs would be stuck without a leader and moved the LT back towards the HMGs, away from the ENG and 2 INF. This turned out to a critical point in the game as the German had spread those units far enough that they couldn't bring all units to bear. The 2 INF and ENG units left around the eastern part of town could not approach as enemy units kept them at bay. Towards the end of the scenario, the Germans were able to get several units into town, but at every opportunity, the Poles tried to entice the German into making an assault, locking the units in combat with good defensive positions and preventing the Germans from moving freely through the town and attempting to wreck the works. The Poles were able to eliminate 5 steps of Germans while not taking any. This was due primarily to the Germans focusing on destroying factory hexes rather than units. Unfortunately, the German demolitions were fairly unsuccessful - they were only able to destroy 3 hexes in 26 attempts. At the end of the game, the Poles had 24 points to 9 for the Germans, leading to a major Polish victory.


This was a game played for the benefit of Bangla getting some experience with the PG system, only having played against one other player and a few games solo. The scenario does provide interesting options for the Poles while I think the Germans have to concentrate on getting to town and starting the destruction process as soon as they can. In our discussions after the battle, we agreed that not keeping the units near or with Leaders and approaching within firing range with 3-stacks really made the game difficult for the German to win. Regardless, even with avoiding these two mistakes, I don't think that the game is a slam-dunk for the Germans to win. I think the scenario provides an interesting puzzle for both players and is a fairly even scenario.

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Stupidity in Action, Blowing up factories you are about to capture.
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2009-03-08
Language English
Scenario WhEa001


Sept 1, 1939. Germany invades Poland. German force begin to sweep into Poland, driving the defenders before them and capturing their factories. In one such advance, at the town of Slask, the German advance force was sent in to destroy the factories! Don’t bother waiting a week when our main divisions can capture the factories, let’s just blow them up now! Consequently, the rabble of crooks and criminals that made up Battalion Ebbinghaus entered Slask and blew up the buildings that they could have simply captured.

Defending the Polish town are elements of the 55th Reserve Division of the Polish National Guard (Obrona Narodowa) and the Slask Police.

The main objectives: 1. Blow up/Save the Factories (3 or 2 VPs per town hex) 2. Eliminate the enemy (1 VP per step)

Note: Score will be denoted by (x-y), where x=number of German steps lost, y=number of Polish steps lost.

0530 (visibility=normal, 12 hexes)

Early morning arrives and Battalion Ebbinghaus begins their advance on Slask from both the north and south. They have no idea where the Polish defenders are (hidden set-up for all Polish units)


North of Slask, German Infantry is ambushed by some Polish on bicycles. (half platoon lost) As the Germans race by, eluding the small village, some National Guard picnicking in the woods take the opportunity for some target practice. (1-0)


In the north, the German infantry continues to skirt the village of Polish cyclists.

In the south the Germans are ambushed by some infantry in the woods. (half platoon lost). A Polish HMG opens fire. (2-0)


North: German infantry discovers more ON in the woods while skirting the village. 0630

North: German HMG moves into the village and the Polish Cyclists flee south down the road toward Slask.

0645 - 0700

The Germans continue towards Slask as the Polish pull back their forces.


German forces, led by their engineers (which is a polite term for arsonists), assault the town. The first Polish casualties are inflicted. (2-1)

The German HMG approaching from the west gets unlucky and loses a squad (3-1)


German “engineers” blow up a factory in the south. (Factory) #1. And the destruction of Slask has begun.


The Polish cycling team is reduced in close assault and are eliminated trying to flee. (3-3)


Two more factories are destroyed, despite ON resistance. Some of the Obrona Narodowa is eliminated while trying to flee. #2 and #3 ; (3-4)


Not wanting the arsonists to have all the fun, the other crooks (infantry) blow up a factory too! #4


The Polish Porucznik loses a half platoon in close assault and is eliminated with the remainder of his men trying to flee. (3-6)

The German criminals are showing no mercy.


The last hidden units are found in the town as Battalion Ebbinghaus floods Slask. Another factory is blown up. #5


Engineers and Infantry explode buildings #6 and #7 as the whole west side of Slask is smoking ruins.

An abandoned German half infantry platoon is eliminated by the Polish Kapitan leading 2 platoons of Obrona Narodowa. (4-6)


Another INF scores a factory #8.

Porucznik and his demoralized platoon flee the Germans and are cut down. The officer is killed. (4-8)

Polish HMG reduces the German HMG south of town (4-9)

The Germans virtually have the north side of Slask captured, and can go about destroying factories unimpeded.


8 demolition charges are laid. 2 infantry succeed. #9 and #10

Polish Kapitan tries to stop the Germans to no avail.


German Captain counter-attacks the Polish Kapitan. A half platoon of ON are eliminated. Two more half platoons desert. Three more half platoons try to flee and are cut down. (4 - 15) But the Polish Kapitan survives and escapes.


The eleventh factory is blown by engineers in the north (#11) as the German Major relentlessly pursues the Kapitan. Outnumbered almost 3-1 in the assault, the Polish forces hold their ground.


Some infantry rampage another factory #12.

The Major eliminates the Kapitan’s ON troops as the Kapitan flees (4- 17) The battle is over.


Final Score:

Germans: 17 steps, 12 factories (3VP each) = 53 VPs Polish: 4 steps, 10 factories saved (2 VP each) = 24 VPs

An overwhelming victory for Battalion Ebbinghaus! Boo!


  1. This mission appears very difficult for the Polish. Although if fate treats them nicely, their factories may withstand the demolition rolls. Forces away from Slask served as a mere annoyance, as the Polish lack sufficient firepower to take the “offensive”. Once revealed, the one advantage the Polish has is quickly over.

  2. Most of my Panzer Grenadier games are played solo. With the hidden set-up in this mission, I taught my daughter, Wren, how to manoeuvre the German forces. Once she arrived at the town, or when my forces were know, I aided her in the “attack”.

Overall, this scenario was a delight to play and I’m really liking what I see in the White Eagles expansion.

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Primer día de la IIGM
Author enrique
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2010-12-12
Language Español
Scenario WhEa001

Este escenario simula el enfrentamiento que tuvo lugar el 1 de septiembre de 1939, primer día de la guerra, entre unidades de la Guardia Nacional polaca (Obrona Narodowa) y el batallón Ebbinghaus, integrado por alemanes étnicos (Volksdeutsche) de Polonia. Los alemanes tenían por objetivo infiltrarse a través de la frontera polaca y atacar y destruir el complejo industrial polaco de Slask. La acción se desarrolla sobre tres tableros. Los alemanes deben introducirse en el complejo industrial, en la mitad del terreno, y destruir tantos hexes del complejo como les sea posible. Los polacos, naturalmente, deben evitarlo. En este escenario los polacos despliegan todas sus unidades secretamente (regla 16.6). Los alemanes deben hacer entrar la mitad de sus fuerzas por el extremo norte. La otra mitad entra por el extremo sur. Dado que juego solo, he ideado un sistema para hacer compatible el despliegue secreto con el juego solitario. Para ello utilizo fichas de "minas". Despliego sobre el tablero el triple de fichas de minas que de unidades polacas. Todas las fichas se despliegan sobre el reverso, manteniendo oculta la información. He establecido que las fichas de minas con la indicación de "Decoy" o "3" representan unidades polacas, mientras que las fichas con la indicación "1" o "2" son simples señuelos que no representan nada. Naturalmente, hay tantas fichas "Decoy" o "3" como unidades polacas. Para la aparición de las unidades ocultas sigo la regla 16.6. Este sistema no es perfecto, ni mucho menos, pero sirve para darle emoción al juego. La clave de la partida está en la demolición de los hexes de la instalación industrial. Para ello, toda unidad alemana de infantería o ingenieros no desmoralizada puede destruir un hex de instalación industrial si durante el turno no se mueve ni dispara y obtiene un "10" o más en una tirada de dos dados. Si la unidad es de ingenieros, se aplica un modificador de "+ 2". Cada demolición se representa con una ficha de "wreck" (máximo una por hex). Orden de batalla. Polacos: 9 x ON (Guardia Nacional), 1 x HMG, 1 x CYC (ciclistas). Alemanes: 8 x INF, 2 x HMG, 2 x ENG. Dado que se trata de una acción de comandos, no interviene la artillería. Moral: Polacos 7/6, alemanes 9/5. No se entiende bien que el diseñador del escenario aplique esa moral a los alemanes, a los que denomina "un montón de inadaptados" (a pack of misfits). La acción se desarrolla a lo largo de 20 turnos y tiene lugar de día. La condiciones de victoria se establecen en función de los puntos de victoria conseguidos. Los alemanes consiguen un punto por cada "step" de unidad polaca eliminado y tres puntos por cada hex de instalación industrial volado. Los polacos consiguen un punto por cada "step" de unidad alemana eliminado y un punto por cada hex del complejo industrial que no haya sido volado por los alemanes al final de la partida. Los alemanes tiene más puntos de iniciativa (6 frente a 3 de los polacos).


Turno 1. La mitad de los efectivos alemanes entran por el borde sur del tablero y son inmediatamente sorprendidos por el fuego de tres unidades polacas, pertenecientes a una patrulla fronteriza, que se hallaban ocultas en una zona de bosque. Los alemanes ven a una de sus unidades desorganizada. En el otro extremo del tablero, las unidades alemanas entran en territorio polaco y son enseguida agredidas por el fuego de un pelotón oculto polaco, aunque sin consecuencias. Turno 2. En el sector sur los alemanes avanzan velozmente por la carretera, pero son de nuevo blanco de las patrullas fronterizas polacas, que ahora consiguen eliminar un "step" de una unidad de infantería alemana. En el sector norte, los alemanes asaltan enérgicamente la unidad polaca que les había sorprendido en una pequeña población fronteriza, pero la unidad polaca de momento resiste. Turno 3. Sector sur: Las primeras unidades alemanas rebasan las posiciones polacas en el bosque y avanzan decididamene por la carretera hacia Slask. Los polacos reaccionan abandonando sus posiciones y persiguiendo a los alemanes. En el sector norte, dos de las unidades alemanas que asaltaban a un pelotón polaco abandonan el hex y avanzan hacia el centro. Otras dos unidades alemanas ocupan su puesto y vuelven a asaltar a la unidad polaca. Ésta es desmoralizada y al intentar huir es aniquilada. El terreno está expedito ahora para los alemanes en este sector. Turno 4. Sector sur: La rápida marcha de los alemanes había dejado a su suerte a un sargento alemán herido (disrupted), que es hecho prisionero por un pelotón de ciclistas polaco. El resto de las unidades polacas del sector (dos pelotones de infantería, dirigidos por un porucznik) salen a la carretera en pos de los germanos. En el sector norte los alemanes avanzan con precauciones, temerosos de ser emboscados por polacos en una segunda población fronteriza, pero ésta resulta estar abandonada. Está claro ahora que las restantes siete unidades polacas están en el complejo industrial. Turno 5. Sector sur: Dos unidades alemanas que se habían rezagado (un pelotón de infantería y otro de HMG) son interceptadas por unidades polacas y se ven obligadas a combatir. En el intercambio de fuego resulta desorganizado un pelotón de infantería polaco. El resto de las fuerzas alemanas del sector avanza hacía la ciudad-complejo industrial, pero la escasez de líderes hace que no pueda acercarse demasiado al enemigo. En el otro extremo del campo batalla, los alemanes avanzan formando un bloque compacto y sin oposición. Mientras tanto, en la instalación industrial los polacos salen de sus posiciones ocultas y se preparan para resistir el ataque enemigo. Turno 6. En el sector sur las unidades alemanas rezagadas siguen taponando el contraataque polaco y desorganizan otro pelotón de infantería. El capitán alemán deja estas unidades para dirigir el resto de sus fuerzas en el sector y atacar el complejo. En el sector norte los alemanes que se aproximaban al complejo son recibidos por un eficaz fuego de oportunidad polaco, que elimina un "step" de infantería alemán (que se desmoraliza) y desorganiza otro. Turno 7. En el sector sur las dos unidades alemanas rezagadas se introducen en el bosque para ocultarse de los polacos. En el sector norte los polacos siguen haciendo un eficaz fuego de oportunidad: dos pelotones alemanes son desorganizados. Turno 8. Las unidades alemanas rezagadas del sector sur siguen presionadas por tres unidades polacas (dos pelotones de infantería y uno de ciclistas). Uno de los pelotones alemanes que se aproximaba al complejo por el sur se introduce en la ciudad aprovechando un hueco en el dispositivo defensivo polaco. Al norte de la ciudad, el fuego defensivo polaco sigue teniendo efectos deletéreos sobre los comandos alemanes: éstos pierden un "step" del pelotón de HMG (los supervivientes se desmoralizan) y otra unidad es también desmoralizada. Turno 9. El fuego defensivo polaco hiere ahora al capitán alemán que se aproximaba al complejo por el sureste para reorganizar sus comandos. Por el oeste tres unidades germanas han conseguido acercarse al límite del complejo industrial y se preparan para entrar y volarlo. Varias unidades polacas, apercibidas del peligro, corren hacia esa zona. Turno 10. En el disputado sector sur, el pelotón alemán de HMG se posiciona en el bosque definitivamente para cortar el avance de los unidades polacas hacia el complejo. La otra unidad alemana del sector, con las espaldas ahora protegidas, marcha hacia la ciudad. Al oeste, tres unidades alemanas aprovechan la iniciativa y asaltan un pelotón de infantería polaco situado en el complejo. Los alemanes resultan ilesos. Los polacos son desorganizados. Otro pelotón polaco próximo corre en ayuda de sus compatriotas. Un pelotón de ingenieros alemanes consigue entrar en la ciudad. Turno 11. En el sector sur el pelotón germano de HMG aprovecha la iniciativa y dispara a quemarropa sobre unidades polacas. Resultado: los polacos pierden un "step" de un pelotón de infantería (los supervivientes se desmoralizan) y desmoraliza a otro pelotón. En este sector los polacos llevan ahora la peor parte. En la ciudad, dos de las tres unidades alemanas que asaltaban a otra polaca salen del hex asaltado y ocupan dos hexes contiguos. Varias unidades alemanas más entran en la ciudad. Los polacos se ven desbordados y comienza una caótica lucha dentro de la instalación industrial, entre hornos y chimeneas. El pelotón de ingenieros alemán que había entrado en el complejo el turno anterior, coloca sus cargas y las hace estallar con éxito. Es volado un hex del complejo. El primero. Turno 12. En el sector sur el fuego del pelotón alemán de HMG sigue haciendo estragos, al disparar sin contemplaciones sobre los dos pelotones de infantería polacos desmoralizados. El fuego de las armas automáticas alemanas elimina dos "steps" más. Los escasos supervivientes y su maltrecho porucznik huyen aterrorizados hacia el bosque próximo. El pelotón polaco de ciclistas observa impotente la debacle de sus compatriotas en el sector. En el interior del complejo, donde la lucha sigue siendo caótica y salvaje, los alemanes consiguen volar dos hexes más. Turno 13. Los comandos alemanes vuelan otro hex del complejo. El estallido de las cargas de demolición, el humo, el fuego y el tiroteo constante hacen del complejo un escenario dantesco. Por su lado, los polacos eliminan un "step" de un comando alemán que se desplazaba dentro del complejo buscando nuevos objetivos. Turno 14. Sigue la lucha sin cuartel en el interior del complejo. Dos comandos alemanes asaltan a una unidad polaca y a su líder. Ambos son desmoralizados. Los germanos destruyen dos hexes más de instalaciones industriales. Los polacos responden vaciando sus cargadores sobre los supervivientes de un comando alemán, que es desmoralizado. Turno 15. Los alemanes del hex asaltado reciben refuerzos, atacan de nuevo y consiguen aniquilar completamente la resistencia enemiga (un pelotón de infantería y un porucznik). La situación es crítica para los polacos. Turno 16. Dos pelotones de ingenieros-comandos alemanes colocan sus cargas y vuela cada uno de ellos un hex de instalaciones industriales (ya van ocho). Furioso tiroteo en el resto del complejo, pero sin consecuencias. En el sector sur, el pelotón de HMG alemán impide cualquier reacción polaca en esa zona. Dos comandos alemanes asaltan en el complejo un pelotón polaco. Éste es desorganizado. En este momento, el comandante polaco, a pesar del infierno de fuego, muerte y destrucción que reina en el lugar, comprende que tiene la partida perdida y abandona. Puntos de victoria alemanes: 31. Puntos de victoria polacos: 16. Diferencia: 15. Los polacos ya no van a poder, dado el estado de sus fuerzas y el tiempo que queda, recortar la distancia a los alemanes. Victoria completa alemana. Interesante partida entre unidades paramilitares. Se trata más de una acción de comandos que de una batalla en regla. Pone de manifiesto la versatilidad de este sistema.

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Blowing up Factories
Author driddle01
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2010-07-25
Language English
Scenario WhEa001

The Poles set up hidden, and the Germans must enter from both ends of the board. I divide the German forces equally between both ends.

Several turns pass as the Germans advance up and down their respective roads towards the town on Board 2. The Germans get many VP's for destroying factories on #2, so their primary goal is to get there and start working.

As the northern German force approaches the town on #17, the four Polish INF open up on them with just a MC. As the southern German force approaches the bend in the road, the Polish HMG and three INF open and demoralize the lead German INF platoons.

On the following turns, the northern German force obtains a 2X on the Polish force effectively eliminating it. The southern German force begins to send units around the Polish HMG heading for the town. They plan to leave the German HMG and some INF to deal with the Polish blocking force.

With the northern Polish blocking force eliminated, the Germans enter the town on #2, and start to roll to eliminate factories. The southern ENG and one INF also proceed into the town. At this point, there is little Polish resistance left, and the Germans have multiple turns left to eliminate factories. Germans win.

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