Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
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PG Über Mentoring #2
(Defender) Germany vs Soviet Union (Attacker)
Formations Involved

Overall balance chart for PGUM002
Side 1 28
Draw 7
Side 2 4
Overall Rating, 46 votes
Scenario Rank: 595 of 918
Parent Game PG Über Mentoring
Historicity Non-Historical
Start Time 11:00
Turn Count 6
Visibility Day
Counters 25
Net Morale 1
Net Initiative 0
Maps 1: 5
Layout Dimensions 43 x 28 cm
17 x 11 in
Play Bounty 110
AAR Bounty 69
Total Plays 39
Total AARs 18
Battle Types
Rural Assault
Off-board Artillery
Randomly-drawn Aircraft
Scenario Requirements & Playability
PG Über Mentoring Base Game

The Red Army would often initiate an attack with a massive pre-assault bombardment. In time the German Army learned that it was best to pull out just before the bombardment began, then reoccupy their positions as the Soviets moved forward. Here a German infantry company waits on a hill as the Soviets prepare to re-move them.


This scenario is designed to familiarize players with the aircraft and off-board artillery mechanics with in the PG Vassal system.

Additional Notes

This scenario uses the Uber Mentoring Extension for play. It also provides some more unit flagging practice.

Display Order of Battle

Germany Order of Battle
Soviet Union Order of Battle
Army (RKKA)

Display Errata (3)

3 Errata Items
Overall balance chart for 20

The reduced direct fire value of the Heer HMG became 5-5 starting with Fall of France.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)
Overall balance chart for 63

The morale and combat modifiers of German Sergeant #1614 should be "0", not "8".

(Shad on 2010 Dec 15)
Overall balance chart for 951

The reduced direct fire value in Kursk: Burning Tigers is 4-4.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)

Display AARs (18)

The Next Step to More Combat
Author sasmo12
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2020-02-16
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

The Germans held a hill to the south of a local farm. The Soviet force was ordered to remove the German force. All appeared to be going in the Soviet’s favor.

The second air strike was called in and troops began moving forward once they heard the aircraft approaching. Due to the success of the first airstrike the troops were confident about advancing, too confident. As the German Stuka roared into view with cannons blazing the Soviet forces knew they were in trouble. Troops falling and fleeing was the scene left behind.

The impact made by the surprise Stuka was too much to overcome. The Soviet forces then inexplicably assaulted a dug in German position and the end followed.

The Germans successfully held the position until reinforcements could arrive but at a severe cost.

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Attacco aereo sbagliato (wrong air attack)
Author g1ul10
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2020-02-25
Language Italiano
Scenario PGUM002

Lo scenario vede due compagnie Russe attaccare una compagnia tedesca in assetto difensivo su di una collina. Le condizioni di vittoria per i Russi prevedono che ci siano meno di due unita' Tedesche in buon ordine sulla collina alla fine della partita.

I Tedeschi si sono piazzati su tutti e quattro gli esagoni rialzati, dividendo le due unita' di armi pesanti, mitragliatrici e mortai, in modo da evitare che venissero entrambe rese inattive d un fortunato attacco di artiglieria.

I russi hanno attaccato da due direzioni, mantenendo la batteria di mortai pesanti arretrata. Il fuoco della artiglieria e dei mortai Russi ha fatto danni, mentre il fuoco diretto delle unita' non e' mai risultato determinante. Non essendo necessaria la eliminazione delle truppe, Russi anno deciso di evitare assalti ravvicinati.

I risultati piu' importanti sono pero' arrivati dai due attacchi aerei ordinati dai Russi. All'inizio del sesto turno solo due unita' Tedesche resistevano sulla collina. Purtroppo per un errore, ho diretto il secondo attacco aereo Russo contro una unita' in campo aperto invece che sulla mitragliatrice trincerata (dug-in), accorgendomi solo dopo che questa unita' valeva il doppio. Per cui alla fine i Tedeschi sono risultati vincitori, nonostante abbiano perso due plotoni di fanteria, un mortaio e svariati ufficiali.

Lo scenario e' divertente, anche se tra artiglieria ed attacchi aerei ci sono parecchie cose da tenere sotto controllo per un giocatore novizio.

2020-02-26 10:25

Nice AAR! Where did you put your two groups of Soviets in relation to the hill? I've just set this one up and have them gathered behind the first field directly north of the hill.

2020-02-26 11:16

I directed Russian attack along two different but not opposed directions, roughly separated by a 60 degrees angle. One company attacking from north-est, the other from south-est. In this way, they can help each other if the situation so requires, but also exploit possible weak points generated by the artillery fire on a wider front. That's pretty much standard doctrine for the era (to say the truth, the standard doctrine would have required a third company kept in reserve between the first two a few hexes behind). My experience is that in good/realistic games, standard doctrine usually works :-) The "reverse wedge" formation should also allow for better use of MG, but in this game, they did not perform very well... I kept the Russian heavy mortars behind the southern company, out of range of anything the Germans can throw against them, apart off-board artillery.

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german hold the hill
Author elfram2 (Soviet Union)
Victor Germany
Participants plloyd1010
Play Date 2020-08-12
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

Russian tried to surround the hill and to assualt the hilltop. Germans held onto 3 of 4 hexes.

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Fun with bombs
Author geofgibson
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2021-11-12
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

First time using aircraft rules. Fun scenario but Germans won by turn 3. Partly due to incredibly lucky dice rolls for the Germans. Soviets the heaps of artillery on the Germans and barely even got MCs. No step losses at all. And an unlucky roll on turn 2 for a Soviet airstrike brought a German plane. That didn't help. Also, too aggressive with Soviets. Losing by step loss on turn three was trying to hard. Instead of trying to approach and assault, should have kept lobbing shells and mortars on the Germans from a distance.

1 Comment
2021-11-13 11:25

Keep in mind that this a training scenario about the mechanics of artillery and aircraft usage. No one actually "wins" or "loses", so long as you get a good feel for how things work.

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Mentoring Scenario 2 Bombardment
Author Capt. Chaos (Soviet Union)
Victor Germany
Participants treadasaurusrex
Play Date 2023-04-02
Language English
Scenario PGUM002


Bombardment is Scenario Two of the PG Uber Mentoring Scenarios. It is a short scenario designed to expose new players to the mechanics and strategy of using bombardment in a game. My mentor, treadasaurusrex, also used this scenario to introduce to me the additional bombardment tools of smoke/illumination that were available at the time, along with their associated strategy and mechanics. Bombardment is my third game as a PG-HQ Recruit and again I find it beneficial to my progress to be alternating the PG Uber Mentoring Scenarios with the An Army at Dawn scenarios.

This scenario’s objectives are a bit vague so I would recommend reading them carefully and agreeing to an accepted interpretation.


The Red Army would often initiate an attack with a massive pre-assault bombardment. Eventually the German Army learned that it was best to pull out just before the bombardment began, and then reoccupy their positions as the Soviets moved forward.

Played on map 5, a German infantry company waits on a hill as the Soviets prepare to remove them. I played as the Soviets to get experience using bombardment with artillery pieces and Off Board Artillery.

Game Length: 6 Turns First Turn: 1100 Hrs

Germans: Set up first On or within one Hex of the hill Units in one Hex may begin dug in 3x INF 1x HMG 1x 81mm

Leaders: 1x CAPT, 2x LT, 1x SGT Morale: 8/6 Initiative: 1, -1 if 2 steps are lost OBA: 2x 16 Special Rules: None

Soviets: Set up second At least 5 Hexes from any German unit 6x INF 2x HMG 3x 82mm

Leaders: 1x COL, 1x CAPT, 2x LT Morale: 7/6 Initiative: 1, -1 if 3 steps or 1 leader are lost OBA: 3x10, 1x 18 Special Rules: The Soviet Player may call for one randomly drawn aircraft on any four turns. After the first aircraft is drawn, roll one die on each subsequent call for an aircraft….on a 4-6 the arriving aircraft is German.

This scenario is played with the optional initiative rules of rolling dice to determine the initiative

German Objectives: Break up impending Soviet attack. If four Soviet steps and leaders are lost, or if there are more demoralized units than not at the end of any turn, the objective is considered to be accomplished.

Soviet Objectives: Weaken or take the hill position. If there are fewer than 2 un-demoralized German units on the hill at the end of the game at the end of the game, The objective is considered to be accomplished. A good order dug-in unit counts double in this case.


The Germans won the engagement after 4 Soviets steps were lost at the end of a turn. The Soviets lost the four steps early on in the scenario but we agreed to continue until the final turn since this was a training exercise.

The Germans set up on the hill south of the road and a little east of an imaginary north – south line dividing map 5 as follows:

• The northwest hex of the hill is the dug in Hex with 1x infantry platoon and 1x heavy machine gun platoon commanded by a SGT with a morale of 9 and 1 each of the firepower and morale modifiers (ie a strong SGT).

• The northeast Hex has 1 infantry platoon lead by a LT of 9 morale and no modifiers.

• The southeast Hex has 1x 81mm mortar commanded by a CAPT of 9 morale and a morale modifier of 1, with no firepower modifier.

• The southwest Hex has 1x infantry platoon commanded by a LT of morale 8 and a 1 firepower modifier with no morale modifier.

The Soviets set up as follows:

• In a Hex in the southwest quadrant of the map to the west of the river, taking advantage of concealment behind a forest Hex are 2x 82mm mortars led by a COL of 10 morale and no modifiers. This COL will move into the forest in the adjacent Hex to the northeast to spot the southwestern and western German Hex positions on the hill.

• Directly north of that position in a Hex on the road are 2x INF platoons.

• In the adjacent Hex to the east on the road are 2x INF platoons led by a CAPT of 10 morale and no modifiers. This CAPT can spot all the German occupied Hexes on the hill except the southeastern Hex.

• In the adjacent Hex to the south are 1x INF platoon and 1x HMG platoon.

• In the western most Hex of the field north of the road and directly north of the German position are 1x INF and 1x HMG lead by a LT with a of morale 9, no combat modifier and a morale modifier of 1. This LT can spot the Northern and northwestern German occupied Hexes on the hill.

• In the southeastern most Hex of the field to the northeast of the previous field are an 82mm mortar lead by a LT of morale 7, no combat modifier and a morale modifier of 1. This LT can spot the same two German Hexes as the LT in the other field.

The Germans immediately dig in the remaining Hexes on the hill. The Soviets call in an air strike on the southeastern Hex of the German occupied hill containing the 81mm mortar an a CAPT with the result of the CAPT being disrupted and no longer digging in. The Soviets call in an artillery strike on the southwestern most Hex of the German occupied hill containing a German INF and an LT with negative effect. The Germans called in an artillery strike on the southernmost Hex in the cluster of 3 Hexes on the western part of the road, with negative effect.

On the last Soviet call for an air strike a German aircraft was drawn.

The slugfest continued in line with the name of this scenario, but due in no small part to the weak leadership of the Soviet forces (not a single combat modifier among the Soviet leaders) the Soviet bombardment was insufficient to eliminate the German positions on the hill or to weaken them enough to take the hill, or even to demoralize enough units to accomplish the objective.

The most important lesson I learned from this scenario is to always keep the objective front and center in my mind while prosecuting the assault. I lost track of the objective during this scenario and I definitely would have done things differently had I not lost sight of the Soviet objective.

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Good one
Author K.R.Rabbit (Soviet Union)
Victor Germany
Participants treadasaurusrex
Play Date 2023-07-24
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

I really thought I had this game won, but war is war, and is never a sure thing! Fun, fun!

1 Comment
2023-07-24 19:33

Just training for Vassal. Glad you liked it though.

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Germans hold out against Soviet thrust.
Author Jockulus (Germany)
Victor Germany
Participants treadasaurusrex
Play Date 2023-10-06
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

The Germans prepared their forces across the hill, unsure about the likely direction of an attack. The Soviets concentrated all assaulting forces to the SE, with mortars in or behind the woods to the SW. In the early game, the attackers pushed forces to the base of the hill mostly under cover of smoke. They also commenced bombarding the hill, concentrating on the hex with the mortar and the German's most effective leader on the far hillside. The Germans were lucky and started to demoralise the Soviets through mostly opportunity fire, and losses ensued. The assaulting forces were hamstrung by untimely disruption of attacking leaders preventing assaults. The attackers called in air support which was a weak 8 strength unit. The Germans countered with a Stuka the next turn causing more pain. The Germans did suffer some losses, including the elimination of two leaders, one for the commanding leader, the other the most effective. Finally the Soviets advanced onto the south of the hill, but were unlucky in the close assault. With attacker losses exceeding the threshold, the battle was over with a German win. Once more, excellent mentoring from treadasaurusrex.

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The power of Off-Board Artillery.....and sucky morale checks and recovery doomed the Soviets...
Author Brad_Newcomer
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2024-04-19
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

A fun little game that I called after one set of initiations for each side in Turn 5. To summarize this game as succinctly as possible, I would say this showed the power of artillery when you roll well, and the sheer frustration of artillery when you roll a lot of 7's.

In the end, the Soviets lost 6 step losses and 1 leader in a matter of 4 turns (compared to the German 3 step losses at that point). Most were caused by compound morale failures during recovery rolls. They just couldn't recover for their lives! Also by the end of turn 4, all Soviet attacks were failed and broken up due to morale recovery failures that caused the units and leaders to flee from the Germans.

In the end, I called the game in Turn 5 as there was no way to get enough Soviet units recoverd and move them in for a 2nd attack before time had expired in the scenario rules.

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Steel Rain.....
Author cjsiam (Soviet Union)
Victor Soviet Union
Participants Dan Storm
Play Date 2019-12-05
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

So the Germans set up on the small hill to try and shoot the approaching Russians...the Russians must remove all but One German unit(not dug in) The Russians move south through the fields of corn to approach the hill....Then tensing for a dash everyone goes from out of range to take fire from the MG ....some are disrupted, the mortar starts receiving counterbatery and one is demoralized....the infantry are taking damage as they approach. The Russian artillery is devastating finally and units disappear from the hilltop....the Russians come in a rush as the disrupted and demoralized Germans come back to order.... The German Machine Gun is splitting fire against adjacent troops---quite successfully...the count of demoralized and fleeing russians nears parity..... The Germans are fleeing off the hill the Russians Assault and start picking up leaders and units... In the end the only german units on the hill was the Machine gun an officer ... the Russians had lost 3 steps with multiple demoralized units fleeing back into the fields.... But the hill fell....only one German remained.... And the Red wave broke.....

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Bombardment learning
Author Uannayven
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2020-02-17
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

This was an interesting scenario, as I decided to try to just dig in the Germans and let the Soviets come at them. I did make multiple mistakes (still learning). Biggest mistake as Soviet was letting 2 German units alone long enough to dig themselves in. That cost the Soviets the game, there was just now a lot of time to dig all the Germans out.

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Slow Burn
Author Shad
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2020-02-27
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

This scenario started very poorly for the Soviets. All of the Germans managed to dig in and their OBA was firing to great effect. Soviet aircraft made an appearance on turn 2, but for the rest of the battle the Luftwaffe controlled the skies.

With a tight schedule and heedless of casualties, the Soviets rushed into assault and then called down all the OBA they had onto the assault area. Fortune smiled on them as the Germans took a terrible pounding (2d6 = 2) while the Soviets managed to dodge the incoming shells entirely.

From there the Soviet machine ground relentlessly onward. By the end of the battle only one brave German INF held out on the hill, dug-in and in good order.

The battle was a draw, but the INF platoon knew their fate was sealed... it was only a matter of time.

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Bombarding is leson So bombard!
Author Dan_Huffman (Soviet Union)
Victor Germany
Participants plloyd1010
Play Date 2020-03-27
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

This lesson is allocating bombardment markers, then firing, and returning them to off board holding box. After 2 turns I rushed the hill that Peter set up his German troops. Lost a few steps and no damage to him.

Set back for three turns and see what happens with the die roll. One of his leaders had a 2 morale modifier. Hoping for 11 and 12's is not a strategy. Importunately a bade morale of 8 + 2 leaves one with hoping for high die on morale checks. Then the 2 tail results on the 30 column for a X or M 2 morale check.

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Class in session - Bombardment 2
Author tlangston28
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2020-04-05
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

This is the second scenario in the Mentoring book on the Self-Study track to gain access to the VASSAL modules of PG.

This involves a company of German infantry including an HMG and 81mm mortar unitdefending a hill with some artillery support. The Soviets have more infantry, HMGs and 81mm mortars plus massed artillery and an aircraft available.

The Soviets setup on the in the fields to the north except for the 3 mortars that are in the woods hex (0314) with a SGT 8-0-0. The soviets bombard the hill for the entire scenario as the Infantry attempted to move up enough to try an assault when the bombardments reduce the units. However, Soviet artillery, though massive, fail to really cause damage until late in the game by destroying the German Mortar and reducing a German Infantry unit. The soviets were able to cause some demoralization but not enough to push the Germans off and the German artillery and mortar were able to disrupt and demoralize the advancing Soviets enough to fend off any real threat.

This is a decent scenario as a solitaire exercise and illustrates the necessity of bombarding a fixed position to soften up the defense. On to scenario 3!

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Dirty Harry or "Do You feel Luck, Soviets?"
Author Dan_Huffman (Germany)
Victor Germany
Participants unknown
Play Date 2020-04-11
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

The Germans are defending a small hill. The soviets should spend the first three turns dropping art points on the Germans. One starts dug in. If you keep the Germans disrupted or worse they can not dig in.

If that is achieved the troops in the near by fields move toward the hills. Soviets have to hope for good die rolls. The Soviets do get one plane for sure. The next three are 50 - 50 as to Soviet of Nazi. Take you chances.

Kind of a Dirty Harry scenario. Do the Soviets feel lucky to cover open ground.

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Bombardment ineffective
Author usmcwo1 (Soviet Union)
Victor Germany
Participants Dan_Huffman (AAR)
Play Date 2020-09-15
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

My bombardment and aircraft were very ineffective in dislodging the Germans. The assault was broken up by the German bombardment. Tough to get dug in troops off a hill.

2020-09-16 13:46

You are right....and it takes turns of ongoing bombardment, and troops close enough to take advantage of disruption.....The Germans having some good officers in the area can make it Very difficult to get enough traction to reduce them. This test scenario, with the short time limit just exaggerates the issue....Glad to see you moving along!

2020-09-16 15:53

Thank you. Dan is very helpful. Smoke would have helped.

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Soviets need t close get luck die rols.
Author Dan_Huffman (Germany)
Victor Germany
Participants usmcwo1 (AAR)
Play Date 2020-09-15
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

Soviet player needs to move close to direct spot w/on map mortars. The +1 column shift will help

The 2nd and 3rd planes rolled my way as the Germans. Did not do me any good. Better than rolling for Soviet air support.

Germans start digging in on the first turn and make the Soviets come to them. Some of these scenairos are more about the mechanics of the game systems than play balance.

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Try to take that Darn Hill, Comrade
Author treadasaurusrex (Soviet Union)
Victor Draw
Participants plloyd1010
Play Date 2021-07-25
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

Played the Soviet side with my ever patient & helpful mentor. I am still having difficulty cycling the activation and morale flags for individual units. This scenario featured lots of opportunity fire and off map artillery barrages. Both sides lost 2 steps of infantry in what proved to be mostly an exercise in frustration and bad die rolls. Substantial Russian artillery firepower proved generally ineffective as the Germans conducted a stout defense of the SW portion of the infamous hill. We ran out of time to play and decided on a draw as the final result, which was generous on the part of the German Commander. The Soviet movement to contact was ill-organized and sub-optimally coordinated primarily due to a faulty initial setup, as well as the boyish enthusiasm of the 2 Red Army Lieutenants that rushed the assault on the hill. Supporting Russian air attacks and artillery inflicted nearly as much damage on the attacking forces as on the German side.

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No action
Author Grognard Gunny (Germany)
Victor Germany
Participants treadasaurusrex
Play Date 2024-02-20
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

Held off the Russian hordes long enough for the win.

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