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Step Loss On Failed Morale Check
11-05-2019, 02:29 PM,
Step Loss On Failed Morale Check
Its very clear in the rules that if an Demoralized unit fails a recovery check, then it loses a step.  Okay, easy enough.  Except...

There are a lot of rules about continuing to flee upon subsequent failed rally check.  Except that could never happen with the RAW. The 1st failed attempt at rally would reduce a unit, the 2nd one would eliminate it.  There would never be subsequent fleeing.

Am I missing something?
11-06-2019, 02:01 PM,
RE: Step Loss On Failed Morale Check
Are you sure the rules say "Demoralized unit fails a recovery check, then it loses a step."
"Demoralized unit fails a Morale check, then it loses a step."
"...I Spent Half My Money on Wargames - Women and Whiskey - The Other Half I Wasted..."
11-06-2019, 03:52 PM,
RE: Step Loss On Failed Morale Check
In 15.3, Demoralization

A demoralized unit or leader:
. Must attempt to recover morale (15.4) on its activation
. If it fails to recover, it takes a step loss and it must flee (15.31) from enemy combat units that can spot it, have range to it, and are capable of obtaining a combat result on it through direct or AT fire.
11-07-2019, 05:50 AM,
RE: Step Loss On Failed Morale Check
 The 1st failed attempt at rally would reduce a unit, the 2nd one would eliminate it.  There would never be subsequent fleeing.

That is my interpretation also. I took subsequent to mean 2nd failed recovery attempt only. Probably a copy and paste from PG rules.
11-07-2019, 08:57 AM,
RE: Step Loss On Failed Morale Check
OK, I guess I'm confused. In looking at the 4th edition rules, Section 15.3 is on "Cavalry"? The section headed 14.3 deals with demoralization; however, I don't see any step loss penalty for a failed recovery attempt. There is a step loss for compound morale failure (14.11), but this is definitely different from the recovery process. So a failed morale check by =/> 3 would result in step loss for a previously demoralized unit, but a failed recovery attempt only appears to leave the unit in the disrupted or demoralized condition that it was in before the recovery attempt. Of course, if it is demoralized and not in a safe hex, it would need to flee. This reading is from the 4th edition rules posted here on the site. Did I miss something?
11-07-2019, 09:23 AM,
RE: Step Loss On Failed Morale Check
Yes, you are confused.  These are the PG-Modern rules, not 4th Edition. Smile
11-07-2019, 01:21 PM,
RE: Step Loss On Failed Morale Check
Ah, there's the rub. I only do wargames dealing with wars that I wasn't old enough to be involved in Wink
01-13-2020, 04:36 AM,
RE: Step Loss On Failed Morale Check
Fairly substantial rule change there the between 4e and modern. Wonder why the change, I would think they would be consistent across all eras.

01-15-2020, 10:25 AM,
RE: Step Loss On Failed Morale Check
I do not totally understand the change, either.  My guess is that it has to do with communications breakdown.  I have guessed (although I'm not sure) that the lower stacking limit is because units spread out more because communications is easier with modern equipment (note that irregulars can stack 3 high because they need to be in closer formation).  So, when a unit gets demoralized, its spread out all over the place, and units become combat ineffective more quickly.

Or, it could be something completely different. Smile

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