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Process/Timeframe for Adding New Editions of Old Games
11-18-2022, 06:02 AM,
Process/Timeframe for Adding New Editions of Old Games
How long does it typically take to update the library to include new versions of existing games and what's the process?  I ordered "Go For Broke" about a year ago when it was 2nd edition and recently got 3rd edition in the mail instead. The book looks great though I'm not going to get to the scenarios for a while since I've got other new stuff to play with. But I was wondering for that point in time when I actually do get around to playing some of the scenarios if I'd be able to log the plays. I assume I'd be able to eventually, but it got me wondering what the timeframe typically is and whether you needed help from someone who owned the book to give you the particulars for each scenario...or if you had other ways of getting the info. As near as I can tell from going through the library, the only changes immediately evident are minor board updates in two scenarios and the edition of 2 battle games.

Anyway...just curious.  Thanks.
11-18-2022, 07:33 AM,
RE: Process/Timeframe for Adding New Editions of Old Games
It's a fair question, with an ill-defined answer. It depends on how soon a member of the "staff" gets a copy of the new scenarios. Currently Robin and I are the only active members doing scenario entry. Then there is the matter of time. I have Go For Broke v3 and 1914 v2, but I also do the Vassal support, have a weekly class, and to do something to pay bills. One of us will get to scenario entry, neither of us can promise when.
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