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surrender level
01-03-2022, 11:17 AM,
surrender level
I have completed twelve of the 112 Eastern Front Deluxe scenarios. 100 to go!

I have been using a great document posted on BGG by Russell InGA (BGG user rules_heretic) to balance the fighting and provide better victory conditions. Even with Russell's much appreciated contributions I think I am going to house rule an additional victory condition in the remaining scenarios.

The inspiration for my "surrender level" is GMT's Combat Commander squad-level tactical games. One thing CC does really well is provide multiple paths to victory. Territory objectives are common, but every scenario also identifies a surrender level for both sides. Consequently, there is always some level of casualties that is unacceptable, even if other objectives are being met.

As I understand it, historically the Red Army sustained casualties at a rate three times that of the Germans on the eastern front. Consequently, I propose that if the Germans fail to achieve their objectives, but keep the Soviets from achieving their objectives, minimal German victory can be declared if they have inflicted three times as many casualties as the Soviets. In contrast, I also propose in the same situation that the Red Army can declare a minimal victory if they inflict as many casualties on the Germans as they sustain.

Such a house rule could be disregarded or tweaked depending on the scenario. The main thing is I'm looking for another means for both sides to declare victory to make my replays more interesting. What do you think?
treadasaurusrex likes this post
01-03-2022, 02:26 PM,
RE: surrender level
It sort of reminds me of alternate victory conditions from Panzer Leader's situation X. So the basic alternate for the Germans is a 3:1 kill ration in their favor, for the Soviets is to keep the kill ratio at 1:1 or less for them. I'm not going to quibble about the thresholds, but I do have some questions.
  1. Do tanks count double for this purpose (presumably assault guns and tank destroyers too)?
  2. Do trucks and tractors count against the Soviets? They are important in this time frame.
  3. Do demoralized and/or cut-ff units have an application here?
  4. Would the alternate victory apply if the other side gained a major victory?
Keep us informed of as to how this works out.
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
01-04-2022, 04:52 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-08-2022, 01:38 AM by t1M0t8yk.)
RE: surrender level
Hi, Peter, thanks for responding.  In the spirit of keeping things simple it is my intention to use the casualty numbers provided in the scenario.  The surrender level Pyrrhic victories would only apply if one's opponent has not achieved its normal objectives.

  The main thing I'm looking for is another way to make my EFD replays more interesting.  Even with the supplemental victory conditions provided by Russell InGA there are scenarios that are really tough for one or both sides to achieve a victory level.  A casualty surrender level gives me more reason to keep playing a scenario.

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