Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
JF#35 27th Regt. drives North-The last of the Thin Red Line Scenarios
Author PatC
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2010-10-16
Language English
Scenario JuFi035

Note: Alert viewers of the latest movie will have noticed a jeep with markings of the 27th Regt pass through a scene, confirming that the TRL and these scenarios are one in the same. On turns 1-4 the Americans manuvered to get into attack positions with mixed results. The jungle terrain and fog of war teamed up to flustrate American activations. The U.S. advanced slowly thru 1315 on which turn the U.S. lost two steps. By 1400 the U.S. were finally getting their full strength to bear. The Japanese by now had lost 9 steps. By 1500 the Japanese position was degrading but they still held a winning position. The Japanese step loss by now was 14 steps. At 1600 with just 30 min. to go the U.S., with the exeption of Co. G were no were near the 12xx row. Despite having lost 14 steps the Japanese had managed to dig in along the 12xx row and were awaiting the American assault. On the Japanese right the U.S. had made no progress, in the center one Japanese position still held out. On the Japanese left along the road one strong position still held out. I only rated this scenario a 2 because of the fog of war modifier was too much for the U.S. and the time was too short in light of the leadership problems jungle activation presents.

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