Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Author bp1123
Method Solo
Victor Australia
Play Date 2020-02-08
Language English
Scenario KoCa002

0800 - After turn 1, as the Aussie's perform a delaying action towards village 0911, the Japanese enter the AO in force. A lone INF platoon and their brave LT take up a defensive position in village 0414 blocking the trail and giving their comrades more time. His orders are to hold as long as possible then retreat down either trail or the stream bed. The rest of the battalion splits into 3 groups each heading down open terrain. The left most force will head to village 0911 and hold there. The other 2 forces will head down the stream and secondary trail to deny easy access to flank the village from the East. The race is on.

Panzer Grenadier: The Final - 1115 hours.

The Aussie's hold on to village 0911, barely, with a reduced HMG and reduced INF platoons. Australian victory. Losses were high on both sides. Japanese losses were 16 steps of INF (8 platoons), 2 steps of ENG (1 platoon), the LT Colonel and 2 Lieutenants. Australian losses were 13 steps INF (3.5 platoons), 2.5 steps HMG (1.5 platoons), the Major and 2 Lieutenants. Key Moments The Lieutenant and INF platoon holding village 0414 (NE corner) held on till 0845 hours when they were finally overrun, there were no survivors. A Lieutenant and 2 INF platoons were dispatched at approximately 0900 to silence the Japanese mortar platoons on the 80 meter hilltop in the NW corner, as they were reining terror down on the defenders at village 0911. They made it by 1015. At 1030 they assaulted and continued to assault until 1115. The MTR platoons took no losses but were silenced for the remainder of the battle. This was key as they were creating havoc at village 0911 and I believe this was why the Australians were able to hold on to the end. It is doubtful that the village would of been held for very much longer.

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