Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The Trail to Gorari - Day 1
Author bp1123
Method Solo
Victor Australia
Play Date 2020-02-03
Language English
Scenario KoCa001

So the plan was to send 2 pair of MG and INF platoons with lieutenants through the jungle to engage the Japanese occupying the village west of the junction while sending the main force of 4 INF and 1 MG platoon, commanded by the Captain and the Sergeant, down the secondary trail and take the junction. This would effectively cut the enemy force off from reinforcements and resupply. Then the the captain would take 3 Infantry Platoons and attack the village from the east while the 'jungle force' was keeping the Japanese occupied. The 'jungle force' would jump off through the jungle anticipating attacking the village within 1.5 to 2 hours. The main force would start down the trail about 30 minutes later.

0800 - Jungle force begins its trek through the jungle. Immediately things go awry as both pairs become disoriented. The Captain commanding the main force, realizing the MG platoon will slow the INF platoons down jumps off ahead of schedule and heads down the trail to the junction at the same time. The Japanese Captain sends 3 INF platoons with a lieutenant on their daily patrol to the junction while deploying 2 INF platoons west of the village as an attack was expected.

0815 - Jungle Force making its way through the jungle with difficulty, while the main force and Japanese patrol both making there way to the junction.

0830 - Japanese patrol makes it to junction first. Main force progressing at a normal pace. Jungle force continues to lose valuable time slogging through the jungle.

0845 - First contact as Japanese Patrol fires on the advancing Australian force to no effect.

0900 - the Japanese Captain hearing the battle start takes 3 INF platoons towards the battle to reinforce the patrol. Leaving an INF and 2 ENG platoons with 2 lieutenants at the village. The battle for the junction begins as the Australians engage the Japanese. The sergeant and 2 INF platoons break off the trail into the jungle and enter the main trail cutting the japanese patrol off.

0915 - 1000 - the battle for the junction gets more heated as the Australians assault the Japanese position. The battle rages back and forth. The japanese reinforcements from the village run into the sergeant just west of the junction and the battle widens.

1000 - Jungle Force finally arrives on the outskirts Northeast of the village and the battle begins.

1015 - 1130 - the battle at the junction rages on, at 1045 the junction is secured and the japanese captain is eliminated while a Japanese INF flees south into the jungle never to be seen or heard from again. At 1115 the last japanese INF platoon just west of the junction tries to flee back to the village but is eliminated in the attempt. The battle at the village continues to rage on with no end in sight.

1145 - with the junction secured the Australian Captain takes 3 INF platoons and heads for the village.

Though the village was not taken, the Australians score a major victory.

Casualties: Australians - 3 steps of INF (1.5 platoons). Japanese - 11 steps of INF (5.5 platoons) a captain and lieutenant.

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