Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Parachutes Over Crete: scenario #15: Engineer Drop.
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2020-02-02
Language English
Scenario PoCr015

Parachutes Over Crete: scenario #15: Engineer Drop.

An interesting scenario, as I love scenarios with actual airdrops in them. I noticed that the airdrop rules are a little different than Korean War: Counter-Attack or Nihon Silk, just some minor things, so I had to read over them twice.

The Greeks & Cretan forces setup according to the rules mostly around the Bridge victory hex but also the four units that need to start on the other map with intentions of blocking German units or rejoining their comrades around the Bridge hex on map 96 depending on the situation. The German scattered pretty badly in their parachute drops and one Lieutenant was lost, landing right in a group on enemy units.

After the first 10 turns, I thought the Germans had no chance to take that bloody bridge but they pulled together and with the help of air-support were able to gather some momentum. On the very last turn, they assaulted with a strong force and knocked out the one demoralized Cretan unit and Greek officer for the victory and control of the bridge.

I tell you what, this was no easy task and only with some luck of the dice and the German air-support were they able to win a major victory on the very last turn, otherwise the Greeks would have win. Just for this factor alone and that it’s an actual airdrop scenario, I’ll rank it a 5 out of 5. Great scenario to play.

AP gave me a paper, two sided terrain chart in this game for some reason? I guess they ran out of card stock.

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