Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Not something that a Good Russian Commander should lose
Author cjsiam (Germany)
Victor Soviet Union
Participants Les Staurt
Play Date 2019-11-15
Language English
Scenario FitS009

The forces here are close to equal---maybe with advantage in numbers on the Russian side actually...and certainly on the Russian side in terms of Tanks! and with like 6 T-34s at that....recall that at this point in the war it's REALLY HARD to shot up a T-34 straight on (most german tanks are 2 or 3 AT, with only the IVe being a 4....early T-34 are 4 up front.)

My opponent, not a stranger to such things, dug in his T-26s in lines a few hexes out from the city...creating a wall of 3Armor tanks with 3-4 AT...(geez)....

I had to duck into the woods to the right as I approached the city due to Arty/howitzers.... Tried to use crossfire on T-34s, with some success---but as soon as my German tanks lose a step they are no longer Efficient, and I have shot for shot less poop then the russians do....

So one force trying to keep 1/2 the T34 in the north busy---they were in woods, then came out to field north...sent out one of my poorer officers to spot them in field--allowed some cross fire with northern PzIIIg tanks and PZIIIf tanks....they pulled back, but, still too many russian tanks in trees with infantry to do much.... In the south my PzIVes on the hill started to hurt his tanks dug in...but eventually they took out one step and then rushed me with T34....even with hill, too much lead had to fall back....

By this time I had about equal steps---was no where NEAR the city...and his tanks were out numbering mine and in such a position I could not get crossfire ---without getting crossfired myself.... and the infantry could not really advance ot the town as it was like 3 turns of movement across open in presence of tanks and then have to assault the units in the city (two deep with HMG)... Grim.... We called it as a Russian Victory as there was no way I was going to be able to push it....

In hind sight --- Mass all the germans in a push middle---to south and hit city from south.... going to have to engage with enemy tanks, take loses, but get the german infantry withinn 2 turns of rushing the town in force....I allow myself to get divided into two efforts, neither having enough to push to completion....

I'm gonna want a rematch.....

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