Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Inept vs. The Unable
Author plloyd1010 (Cuba)
Method Face to Face
Victor Kingdom of Spain
Participants WightTiger
Play Date 2019-10-20
Language English
Scenario HwSp002

What be comes apparent, very quickly is that neither side is in a condition to decisively fulfill there objective. The Spanish have 4 units and 5 hexes to guard, in a jungle. The Cubans have 5 units, but only 2 leaders, they need to maneuver in a jungle. Oh yeah, the Cubans have rather weak units. This give the Cubans 2 options, rush and try to spill around the Spanish, or try to march around the jungle to jump on the one hex the Spanish cannot guard.

Since marching around a jungle is difficult without a good officer contingent, I try the first option. That didn't work. Some well timed rifle fire from the initial contact, demoralizes, then eliminates, a company and disrupts another. The next couple turns are about disengaging and reorganizing. The obvious approach doesn't work.

Next plan: Demonstrate and maneuver. Coronel keeps 2 companies in front to harass the Spaniards. Capitán takes the other 2 and marches around their right flank. About then Capitán reaches the end of the Spanish line, Coronel breaks contact and moves on the left. Now the Cubans have an unled company on the end, the Capitán and 1 company on hex further up the line, Coronel and 1 company just behind the crossroad. My luck has other plans. A good Spanish roll leads to a moral check, leading to deomralization of the Capitán's company. The Spanish shift their line toward the center. Now my leaderless company cannot do a lateral move with out getting closer to another enemy (as they're stuck). Then the Coronel's company takes fire (another 11) and becomes demoralized. Now they cannot move on the gap. And time runs out. The Cubans fade into the jungle, leaving the fight to the U.S. army tomorrow.

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