Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Not much of a Roadblock
Author dxdavieau
Method Solo
Victor Britain, India
Play Date 2019-10-06
Language English
Scenario AOIt038

Eritrean troops with 7/5 morale do not a roadblock make. This scenario was a British steamroller. The reinforcing tanks never did show up but the Indians don't really need them. The ACWs make excellent supplemental firepower. The Eritreans deployed to guard the pass, using their 65mm Guns as AT vs the Indian ACWs. These whimpy guns had very little effect on the battle, killing one step of ACs and one platoon of empty ACWs. Their BF was completely useless. The Indian plan was to go 'round the eastern flank, up & over the hill into the pass. (side note; the map orientation is incorrect, up is west, not north). Now, to be fair, the axis rolled a lot of 7s and the allied dice were hot. That said, the Eritrean morale is far too fragile to defend against the Indians riding in armored ACWs. Several positions were carried by assault by mounted Indian troops that didn't even bother to dismount! It was a complete rout. The Eritreans lost 23 steps, all but one! The Indians lost just 4, a half platoon, an ACW platoon and a step off the ACs which counts as 2.

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