Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Spearhead Division: scenario #22: The Beast
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2019-09-04
Language English
Scenario SpDv022

Spearhead Division: scenario #22: The Beast

In this scenario it was my first German victory, as I think I had something like 5 or more American victories in Spearhead this far. The Germans pretty much setup defending the two towns, with units mostly inside or Dug-in close by either town. Both towns could cover and support each other and the Mighty Beast, Jagdtiger setup in a town hex with a great view of the approaching American units and also had Infantry support in it’s hex.

The Americans first group from the CCA 3rd Armored Division followed closely by the 414th Infantry got blasted by the Anti-tank guns of the German 75/41 guns, the Panther, the Pz IVH and the Beast Jagdtiger. The Jagdtiger setup so it wouldn’t have to move and risk breaking down it was responsible for at least killing 8 steps of American Tanks, even with one shot per activation, many time rolling high on the dice. That counts as 16 points, most likely more, as I lost count. The Americans air-support was terrible in this scenario unlike the last scenario, where the airmen did great but not this time and I rolled a lot of ones, so in the 9 turns they hardly showed up and they couldn’t kill the Beast even when they tried. As would have it, the American Ammunition Shortage also played a big role and when I needed it the most it wasn’t there, while the Germans off-bard artillery and the on board German rocket NW 41 units roll great, 2s and 12s.

The second group of American reinforcement from the CCA, 3rd Armored Division managed to show up on turn ten but by then it was too late. They did manage to take the smaller southern town but didn’t have enough strength or support left to take the northern town.

I am sure the Germans pulled out later that night but with a very clear Major Victory, 62 points to only 17 for the Americans. Maybe the Beast broke down later that night but not in this scenario.

The biggest mistake the Americans made was trying to rush and overwhelm the German armor, as unlike the last game it didn’t work out and I even used the 4 valued DF Sherman Tanks. Fun to use however but the dice were clearly on the Germans side today.

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