Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Need an Israeli Tatical manual
Author Dan_Huffman (Arab Republic of Egypt)
Method Face to Face
Victor Arab Republic of Egypt
Participants unknown
Play Date 2019-08-13
Language English
Scenario SwIs002

Another scenario where Arab moral is shaky upon seeing Israeli tanks for the first time. Bruce had 3 leaders with 2 morale. They were spread out for maximum benefit. Yes the Egyptians had to add one to the die roll. Only 2 failed. IIRC I may have allowed a minus one for being in a town. That is for recovery not a morale check. Maybe 5 more units may have demoralized.

The aftermath states that the Arabs put up stiff resistance before getting over run from an unexpected direction. OK.... The Israelis lose the game with 11 step losses. Have to inflict 80+ step losses by end of 20 turns or lose.

Egyptian tanks were dug in on the forward hill on the back half of the maps. North side iirc. I was careless and did not inspect the top or only counter under a dug in marker. I moved on a road to to trigger "Arab panic" did not work. He fired at my tank w/a SU-100 8-8. -1 for distance, target moving, and OP Fire for a total of -3. So 8 -3 -2 = +3 to 2 D 6. He rolls a 10 for modified 13. Both steps eliminated for four total steps.

Went down hill from thee. Need to find away to recee the area. Did not do that. A tank in a tow n6 hexes away OP fired my APC due to me seeing only inf. It was loaded. 8 - 1 = +7. It was lost for 3 more steps.

There is a small ravine in the south east corner. All Egyptian on board artillery was place there. They were behind 40 meter hills so spotting was difficult. Should gone to towns and spotted the dug in counters. Drop OBA and planes every other turn until some holes are created.

The that were 7 hexes or so from the north edge should have been used as a 3 card Monte scam. There are 3 adjoining town hexes. occupy 2 of the hexes . Move into the empty one fire w/a -1 to die roll and move back to original hex. Do same with tanks in other hex. The Egyptian tanks are SU - 100, Shermans and T - 34/85. The 34/85 have a 4 if not a 5 AT defense rating. Since the Israelis are efficient, one can chip away at some exposed units.

I lost so the above is a guess on may part based on my errors. If the Egyptians retreat behind 40 meter hill, then the inf can advance to check here and there for tanks in towns. One or two units as one counter is two steps. Lose 5 counters and it is almost game over for the Israelis.

Playing with these rules is different. Other than the assault table has another column and is deadlier than PG. Have to look through out the rule set as items are cross reference or defined once. Weapon units are non motar tubed artillery. That is a definition. No where wlse is that explained. Meaning on the Bombardment chart +1 if target is unarmored weapons unit. PG states AA, IG, rocket, art.

Another quibble is friendly fire. Have to roll 2 on 2 D 6. OK Israelis, US, UK, Fr, West Germany, USSR fine. Other nationalities have no penalties. All art. have 1 chance in 36 of friendly fire. Disagree. IAM i right I do not know.

Still thinking how the Israelis can win. Again may have to send 2 units with leaders to spot. Going to have to use good morale leaders. How many other units can support w/o have 4 or more units out in the open is a judgement call. Have not tried extended over run form 2 hexes. Need to read that closer to how close to towns in case a tank is in one.

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