Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Georgians, not even your ridiculous dice can save you.
Author patman
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2019-07-23
Language English
Scenario IN44007

This is Scenario 4 of Invasion 1944, labeled as Scenario 7 in PG-HQ because there are three introductory scenarios included with the game, intended to avoid brain-burn for new players by omitting some of the more difficult rules like full-raging Normandy hedgerows. (NOTE: I have ranted before about the inappropriateness of games with the most brain-burning special rules being the "Introductory" offerings; this was apparently AP's response). The Germans are actually Georgians from way out East forced to fight the Americans at Normandy. It shows up in the difference in Morale for the sides (US 8/6, G/G 7/5), but NOT in the leader distribution, which contains the usual amount of 9 or 10 morale 2 morale modifier German übermen. I have to wonder why the Georgians are listening to these guys...

Anyway, the Americans have 4 objectives: clear the main road, control the town on the road, and exit some number of steps, at least 6 to count as one objective and a total of at least 12 to count as two objectives. The US only fulfiling 1 or 2 objectives counts as a German victory of some level, and 3 or 4 count as American victories. The summary is that the American side won a Major Victory, exiting 17 steps in the last 3 turns and gaining both control objectives for 4 total. This happened despite the G/G side rolling an utterly riduculous number of 2s and 3s in first fire (defender Dug In) and other assault situations. So overall I would say the scenario strongly favors the US, but see below for some caveats.

The restriction that there is no leader activation or influence across Normandy hedgerow hexes creates a interesting geometric puzzle for getting your units to where they need to be. Well, sometimes a frustrating puzzle, but doing it right gives a sense of satisfaction!

I set up the defense forward, with my AT gun sighting down the main approach road, and backed up one hex behind with HMG supported by Ridiculous Morale Boy.

The early game is approach by the infantry through the hedgerows on either side of the hedgerow-lined main road, while the Sherman swings left, crunching some hedgerows, to avoid the AT sighting down that road. The US HMG sets up at the entry hex to spray the G/G AT position at range 5, thereby staying out of range of backing Kill-stack.

The Germans/Georgians were clearly getting the better dice early. Quite a few 3s and 11s on DF and BF rolls for the Germans early, resulting in Disruptions and Demoralizations galore, but only a few actual step losses (it would get worse for the Americans later). However, in one gratiuitous opportunity fire on a move adjacent to a German GREN (what could go wrong, the US has a 1-10-2 God-Captain along for the ride), there's inevitably a roll of 2 or 3 for an X, and the God-Captain died on a leader loss check (are you f***ing kidding me!?!) (see how his German counterpart fared below).

Turn 8 drama: One HMG enters clear hex (the forward dig-in) to augment two INF assaulting vs. one disrupted GREN, so no problem, right?

Hmm, they are dug in, so first fire, but still no problem, right?

Oof, snakeyes, X result on 3 column, the morale checks are pip-fests, EVERYONE barfs their MCs, leaving a steaming pile of demoralized units and disrupted leaders.

Next activation, the disrupted GREN dances out of the hex, with no adverse effects because every enemy is demoralized. Setting up for next activation a clear shot on the 30+ column for the next-door German kill stack! With 1-10-2 LT. Überman even! Urp!

(Should I mention that the presence of the Überman leader is weird given that these are "guest troops" from the Caucasus with dodgy morale and questionable motivation?)

What to do now? The only ship in the quadrant (Star Trek analogy) is the Sherman that moved adjacent to the Kill-stack (once the AT gun had been cleared out of the previously mentioned hex). But assault w/o infantry vs dug in Inf + HMG with God-leader is a really bad idea! So the only option is to take the adjacent 9 shot (11 column after modifiers). The US needs "any craps" on this one.

And they GET IT! A 3 for an M2 result that breaks/demoralizes the kill stack despite LT. Überman (he got disrupted so his morale modifier was halved). (Actually this was a question I had about the 4.0 rules, they say "all combat strengths halved", but "combat strength" is an ill-defined term in 4.0. "Fire values" are the numbers on the counters that are used to determine the magnitude (column) of an attack, so I interpret "combat strengths" to be leader combat and morale modifiers as well as fire values. I have a vestigial memory of this being clearly the case in 3.0 or earlier. Of course, due to "round up" this only comes into play for modifiers of 2 or more, for which I think it is sorely needed: leaders with morale modifiers of 2 are broken IMO.)

Back to the game. There is still a GREN behind an adjacent hedgerow, and they will take their shot. No effect, and next turn the demoraized units try to rally: 1 HMG does, the other 2 (HMG & INF) scamper through the next-door hedgerow to safety.

I wonder how common it was for a couple of tank platoons to get ordered to plow through a dug-in position, say, in the middle of a road junction, mix it up just enough to get through, get just far enough away from the short-range anti-tank weapons to render them ineffective, turn around, and unleash HE and MG on the position? That's pretty much what happened over the next few turns at the key crossroads in this game. I realized I was too aggressive with the tanks in the face of the GREN's short-range AT (which fortunately was not successfully rolled for), and had a reduced INF with a disrupted LT hold the door while the tanks rumbled through to the opposite side.

Even with the Germans/Georgians rolling a quite improbable number of 2s and 3s in important combats (often in assault first fire for "1" results!), the US advantage in morale and firepower was just too much to overcome. US fulfilled all four objectives, controlling the road and town and exiting 17 steps. I do really like the 'puzzle" aspect of leader placement for the US given the "no activation across hedgerows" restriction, but it seems really hard for the Germans to win this one (allowing only 2 or less objectves to be met).

But perhaps my defensive strategy was flawed: I put a lot up front, sighting the AT gun and HMG down the entry road to slow up the Sherman. I guess it did slow down the Americans, causing them to send the Sherman to the side while forming up with infantry on either side of the road to slog up and take the strongpoint. Further back, I only left occasional dug-in speedbumps on the road, and essentially put up no defense of the town, perhaps a big mistake. But I'm thinking if I lay back then everything just happens sooner. But perhaps better for the German with the +2 town bonus. I would say that hedgerows are annoying as h*ck, but also your best friend for negating the +2 adjacency opp fire as you sidle next to your target. Use them wisely!

Even though this scenario heavily favors one side (the Americans), I rated it a 4 because I enjoyed the new (to me) puzzle aspect of getting the US leader activations to work through the hedgerow terrain. Had this not been my first Invasion 44 Scenario, it is possible I would have rated it lower.

(NOTE: I deleted a few expletive-filled rants at the insane luck of the G/G side.)

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