Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Wagons....they just are not that fast.....or safe...
Author cjsiam (Soviet Union)
Victor Soviet Union
Participants Dan Storm
Play Date 2019-07-11
Language English
Scenario EFDx019

After a quick -- Random event ended our first run at this---my erstwhile opponent agreed to have another go....Again...I set up in the town waiting for him...and he came at me down the road stacked all up with his infantry and wagons loaded (HMG and AT).... Russians rolled to get a extra infantry on turn 1...not a bad thing....

By turn 3 the Germans broke into two forces, with the hvy weapons and an officer going south around city and the infantry breaking north....trying to pincer the city....a lucky snake-eyes took out an officer at max range of the HMG as he moved with the Inf...the was a good omen...

Another Russian infantry showed up---at this point almost doubling the number of Soviets in the town, but me being forced to deal with threats now developing on both sides of the city.

As the Germans spread out on either side of city---he made an error which the Brave soviets jumped to capitalize upon...The German wagons and officer to the south were at 4 hexes from the city...HMG was focused on the Infantry to the north and so had no shots---but with the reinforcements---and moving 3---We charged out of city with Two Platoons and a Reduced Platoon and officer-- to try and get at the wagons....

We were able to get up next to them at the end of the turn.....

The Cubed war gods, seeing the plight of the poor Soviets defending the Motherland then gave us a 1 point difference in the activation, to the Soviet favor....and the Infantry was able to Assault and overwhelm the loaded transports and kill the officer....

At that point--- 3steps German were gone....and no loses of the immediately we have a Soviet victory (needed 2)....and with no heavy weapon and now 5 Soviet Inf squads (and possibly more with a 5,6 bringing in another every turn)...the Germans called this one a day.

Had the Germans been out one more hex, or had the Russian NOT gotten initiative, then they could have escaped.....such are the whims of the cubed gods....

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