Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
JF#34 27th's advance to the Poha
Author PatC
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2010-10-10
Language English
Scenario JuFi034

The Japanese set up dug in at the victory hexes and around them. The U.S. advanced on both victory hexes at the same time one company committed to each. There was an exchange of fire that lasted till 1315 with both sides suffering disruptions and demoralizations, but it was the Japanese who also suffered two step losses. At this time the Japanese reenforcements were released and began making their way down the trail toward the sound of the guns. On the very next turn victory hex 1501 fell to the the U.S. and on the turn after that the other hex, 2022, fell also. Now it became a defensive battle for the Americans. Even though they had captured the victory hexes several hexes adjecent to them were still in Japanese hands. The Japanese used these hexes to launch assaults into the victory hexes. The Japanese were somewhat disorganized with all the disruptions and demorilaztions but were able to keep up constant pressure on the victory hexes. The Japanese tried with some success to combine half units in to full strength units so as to consentrate their power for the assaults. This worked but took time. So the Japanese found it hard to throw 3 full strength units into an assault with any kind of consistancy. Both sides were postitioned to feed reenforcements into the assault hexes dragging out the assault over many turns. Eventually the U.S. artillery took it's toll and the Japanese were driven out of assault positions next to and in the victory hex 2022. Hex 1501 had been secured earlier and the Japanese driven away. If it were not for the Japanese assault bonus they would have been defeated earlier. This special ability kept them in the game even after tremendous casulties of 31 steps. (There is no morale loss for the Japanese in this scenario. They begin at zero.) U.S. victory. Good game but the U.S. has to just about wipe out the Japanese to win. Because of the victory conditions of occuping just one of the two victory hexes for the Japanese with no concern for casulties it makes it very hard for the U.S. who can not loose more than 2 steps. Loose 3 steps and the best the U.S. could do is draw.

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