Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A bitter victory
Author Arisaka92
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2019-04-14
Language English
Scenario BaBu005

Despite having far superior forces, German troops had to struggle in order to achieve their objectives. Enemy troops present at the crossroads proved to be of very little resistance, though they did buy some time, leaving the two smaller forces assaulting the towns without the expected reinforcements for far longer than I had hoped. The M16 rushed forward to engage the main body of German troops when they exited the forest and caused 6 step losses before retreating into the first town.

The German group assaulting the western town took very high casualties on the approach due to lucky Allied artillery and some excellent rolling on the behalf of the small defending force, however visibility proved to be helpful for the Germans allowing them to get in close and assault. The attack force on the central town proved luckier on the approach taking no losses until the melee started within the town itself, resulting in high casualties for both sides, but the Germans could afford them better.

The M16 continued to harass advancing German troops as it pulled back to avoid close assault, though the accuracy of their gunners proved to be less than remarkable. Eventually the main force reached the central town assisting the already present troops from the smaller group in wiping the defenders out with ease. Despite this, due to increasing losses among the western assault group, German initiative dropped by one and that assault group was becoming less and less effective.

Around turn 25 the main assault force and the survivors of the central attack group had reached the western town and crushed the defenders, among whom was the M16 that was destroyed by assaulting infantry with handheld AT weapons. This was not without casualties however, the lucky US artillery piece in the town managed to destroy three German steps before being destroyed due to expert marksmanship and the weakened troops in the city also fought valiantly.

A German victory, but a victory paid for in blood.

1 Comment
2019-04-14 21:10

Welcome to PG-HQ! Hope to see your contributions grow and grow!

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